High-End Audiophile Equipment Review
Magazine Archives
Headphones / In-Ear
Monitors IEM / Tweaks / Other Archives

Product of the Year Awards 2024, 2023, 2022,
2020, 2019,
2018, 2017,
2015, 2014, 2013, 2012,
2011, 2010,
2009, 2008, 2007,
2006, 2005,
2004, 2003,
2002, and

Audiophile Gifts 2023,
2022, 2021, 2020,
2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012,
2011, 2010, 2008,
2007, 2006,
and 2005.

Enjoy the Music.com's
25th Anniversary Legendary Performance Awards.
1MORE Quad Driver Universal Fit In-Ear Monitor
1MORE Triple Driver Over-Ear Headphones
64 Audio A12 Custom In-Ear Monitors With New ADEL Modules
64 Audio Tia Fourte And U18t In-Ear
Monitors (IEM)
6SN7 Tube Shootout
Acme Audio Labs Silver Cryo Fuses
A Place Where i Belong, A Padded Cell.
Abyss Diana Planar Magnetic Portable Headphones
Ampsandsound Kenzie OG Rev 2 Headamp
Andover PM-50 Stereo Headphones
Audio FMJ D33 SuperDAC
Artesania Audio Exoteryc Rack
Audio-gd AMP NFB-1 Preamplifier And Headphone Amplifier
Acoustic Research AR-H1 Over-Ear Headphones
Audeze LCD-R Headphones
Audio Magic CE Generators (Donuts)
Argent's RoomLens
Astell&Kern AK120 Portable Audio Player
Sony NW-ZX2 Walkman Versus Astell&Kern AK240
Astell&Kern AK Jr Portable MQS System
ATC CDA2 Mk II CD / DAC HeadAmp / Preamplifier
ATOLL ST200 Signature Streamer
/ DAC / Preamplifier
Audeze EL-8
Planar Magnetic Headphones
Audeze iSINE10 + Cipher
Audeze LCDi3 Portable In-Ear Headphones
Audeze LCD-4Z Flagship Planar Magnetic Headphones
Audeze LCD-5 Flagship Headphones
Audio Art IC-3SE Interconnect, SC-5SE(G) Speaker And Statement II Power Cables
Audience aR2p-T Power Conditioner
Audience aR6-T4 Power Conditioner
Audience adeptResponse aR6-T4
Power Conditioner (Revisit)
Audience Forte V8 Power And forte f3 Power Chord
Audience Hidden Treasure In-Wall AC PowerCable & High Definition Wall Receptacle
AudioDesk CD Sound Improver [Lathe]
Audio Desk Systeme Vinyl Cleaner
Audio Electronics Nighthawk Headphone Amplifier
Audio-gd AMP NFB-1 Preamplifier And Headphone Amplifier
Audioengine W1 Wireless Audio Adapter
Cable Cooker Pro Version 2.5
Audio Magic Stealth Mini
Reference Power Filter
Audio Machina Accessories
Audio Mirror Reflection Monoblock SET Amplifiers
Audiophile Sound Solution - Home Overall Liquid Energizer
(April Fools Article)
Audio Magic Stealth Power Purifier
Reality by Bruce Rosenblit
Audio-Technica ATH-A700 Headphones
Audio-Technica ATH-AWKT And ATH-AWAS Headphones
Auric Illuminator Disc Treatment
AVM (Blue Tube
AVVT 300BSL Output Valve
Balanced Power Technologies BP-2 Power Conditioner
Ultracurve 24/96 EQ-RTA
Benchmark DAC3 HGC Hi-Res Audio DAC, Headphone Amp, And Preamplifier
KZ-ATE In Ear Monitors (IEMs)
Wireless Aventho On-Ear Headphones
Beyerdynamic T1 Generation 3 Headphones
Beyerdynamic T5 Headphones (3rd Gen)
Block Audio C-Lock Duplex Outlet Cable Support
Blue Circle "Music Ring" Balanced Power Line Conditioners
Bose QuietComfort
Brainwavz Delta In-Ear Monitors
Breathe New Life Into Old Gear
Repair, rebuild and refurbish vintage audio equipment.
Bright Star Audio Isolation Devices
Bright Star Audio IsoRock 3 Reference
Border Patrol
Boston Audio Design TuneBlocks
Audio Design TunePlates And TuneBlock SE
Feature The Entry Level Project
How to put together an awesome $5000 sound system!
Featuring: Coincident Dynamo 34SE integrated amplifier, Tekton Designs Lore
Reference speakers, Schiit Bifrost DAC, Uniko AVM, and Boston Audio Design
BOX Furniture Co. D3S Equipment Rack
Burson Audio Conductor Virtuoso DAC, Preamplifier, And Headphone Amplifier
Bybee Clarifiers
Bybee Interconnect
Bybee Slipstreams Speaker Chargers
Bybee Slipstream RCA Magic Bullets And Speaker Charger
Bybee Technologies Quantum Purifier
Bybee Music Rails
Caig R5
Contact Cleaner/Enhancer
Cambridge SoundWork Model 88 Table Radio
Cambridge Audio DacMagic 200M DAC
/ Preamp / Headphone Amplifier
Campfire Audio Andromeda In-Ear Monitor
Campfire Audio Vega In-Ear Monitor
Canal Earphones Shure E4c Versus Ultimate Ears Super.fi 5pro
Cardas Cross Power Cord
Cardas Golden Power Cords
Cardas Golden Presence Loudspeaker
Cardas Musician's Reference Interconnects
Cayin HA-300 Headphone Amplifier
CD Treatments:
Torumat, DiscSolution, Esoteric Mist
Cheap Tweaks That Sound Like a Million Bucks
Chord Electronics Hugo Battery Powered DAC And Headphone Amplifier
Chord Hugo 2 Transportable DAC
/ Headphone Amplifier
Chord Mojo 2 Portable
DAC / Headphone Amplifier
Chisto Easy Groove Solutions Concentrate, Virgin Concentrate, Extreme, Enzycaster, Concentrate, Spray & Wipe, Disk Analoguer, and Hi-End Show-Gloss
/ HeadAmp
Clarus CODA
USB DAC / Headamp (revisit)
Clarus Duet Line Conditioner
Coal to Coltrane A Brief History of Power
Codia Acoustic Design Stage 3000 Diagon Equipment Rack
Codia Acoustic Design Stage 3000 BAB Audio Rack And AmCan Audio Isolator Footers
Combak Reimyo ALS-777 Powerline Stabilizer
Complete Guide to High-End Audio By Robert Harley
The Complete Guide to High-End Audio Fifth Edition
By Robert Harley
Comply Comfort Fit PLUS Tips
Core Power Technologies Equi=Core 1800 Power Conditioner
Critical Mass Systems Center Stage2 LS Series Loudspeaker Footer
CSE Isolation Regulator RK-100
Clark Audio AEON Open Back Over-The-Ear Stereo Headphones
Dan Clark
Audio / MrSpeakers Ether 2 Headphones
Dan Clark Audio E3 Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Headphones
Dan Clark
Audio Alpha Dog
Dan Clark
Audio AEON Stereo Headphones
Dared Retro Dreams RD-1
Table Radio
Dynamat Vibration Dampener
Decorating For
Music Part I
Decorating For Music Part II
Decorating For Music Part III
Foci Media Buddy
CD Treatment
Dokoni HiFiMan HE6SE Elite Series Earpads
Dynamic Design AV Cables
Killer DIY Anti-Vibration Platform
Eagle Talon Productions BassLine
Edifier H840 Headphones
Electrical Proper Plug Orientation
EMT Turntables, Deutsch Perfektion, The History Of...
Eraudio Space
ERS Paper
Erzetich Audio
Phobos Orthodynamic Headphones
Esoteric Mist
Etymotic Research
ER-4P Headphones
Etymotic ER6i In Ear Monitors
Fabreeka Isolation Platform
Fidelizer Pro v7 Windows Software
FiiO BTR3 Bluetooth Amplifier
FiiO BTR7 Portable Bluetooth Headphone Amplifier
E10K-TC Headamp / DAC
K3 USB DAC / Headphone Amplifier
FiiO FD5 Flagship Dynamic In-Ear Monitors (IEM)
FiiO FH5 In-Ear Monitor
FiiO FH7S In-Ear
Monitor (IEM)
FiiO M3K Portable Music Player
FiiO M3K Portable Hi-Res Audio Player
FiiO M15S Desktop
/ Portable Hi-Res Lossless Music Player
FiiO M17 Portable Desktop-Class Music
Player / DAC
FiiO Q15 Desktop
/ Portable Hi-Res Music DAC And Headphone Amplifier
FiiO R7 Desktop Digital Music Streamer, Preamplifier, And Headphone Amplifier
FiiO R7 Music Server
/ Streamer / Headphone Amplifier
FiiO R9 Music Player, Streamer, Headphone Amplifier, And Hi-Res Lossless DAC
FiiO X7 Portable Music Player And K5 Desktop Amplifier
Final Labs Daruma-3II
Focal Celestee Closed-Back Headphones
Focal Elegia Stereo Headphones
Focal Stellia Stereo Headphones
Focal Utopia Headphones Review (2022 Version)
fo.Q Audio Damping Accessories
Forte Audio Impact Earbuds
Fostex TH500RP Headphones
Furutech DF-2 Disc Flattener
Furutech DIY Power Cable And Power Outlet Featuring Furutech's FI-50 NCF, FP-TCS31, FP-209 10R, FI-50M NCF, And
Furutech NCF Cable Booster-Signal
Furutech NCF Clear Line AC Power Line Optimizer
Furutech NCF Clear Line Mini Power Conditioner
Furutech NCF Power Vault, Project V1 Power Cable And AC Duplex Wall Ensemble
Furman Sound IT-Reference Discrete Symmetrical AC Power Source
Get Better Sound By Jim Smith
GIK Elite Pillar Bass Traps and D1 Diffusers
GIK 4A Alpha Panel Diffusors
Gingko Vibration Isolation Platforms
Gingko Audio VCS Toolkit
GlassWare's Tube CAD, SE Amp, and Tube
Goal Zero Yeti 400 Lithium Portable Power Station Battery
Vibrations: The Physics of Music Book
Google Chromecast Ultra And Chromecast Audio
Grado GR8 In-Ear Headphones
Grado GR10 In-Ear Headphones
Grado PS1000 Headphones
Grand Prix Audio Monaco Equipment Stand
Gray Power
H.A.L. Square Footing And HAL-O Damping Instruments
Gift Ideas
Harmonix TU-800EXi Tuning Matte
Harmonix TU-812 Tuning Clamp
HeadAmp Gilmore Lite Mk2 Class A Headphone Amplifier
Headphone Shake-Up: Keith Howard supplements his headphone experience with a kick in the posterior, and find himself shaken by the results.
Headroom Total AirHead
Survey; or Banging on Three Sets of Cans- Beyerdynamic DT831, Etymotic ER4S, and Sennheiser HD600
Headphones For The Music Lover On The Go!
HeadRoom Cosmic and Maxed Home Headphone Amplifiers
HEDD Audio HEDDphone Review
HEDD HEDDphone Headphone
Herbie's Audio Lab Way Excellent II Turntable Mat
HiFiMAN Ananda BT Over-Ear Bluetooth Headphones
HiFiMAN HE1000se Full Sized Over-Ear Headphones
HiFi-Tuning Noise Destroyer
HiFi-Tuning Supreme Harmonizer
High Fidelity Cables MC-1 Pro Double Helix Plus Signature Power Conditioner
Hum Pristine Reference Custom In-Ear Monitors
Hutter Racktime Basic Shelves with CD Drawer
iBasso DC03 DAC
/ Headphone Amplifier
i-Fi Chair
iFi Audio Aurora Lifestyle System
iFi Audio iDSD Diablo DAC
/ Headphone Amplifier
iFi Audio Pro iCAN Professional Headphone Amplifier And Linestage
Audio micro iTube 'Swiss Army Knife'
iFi Audio iDAC2 Digital To Analog Converter With Headphone And Line Output
iFi Audio iDSD Diablo DAC
/ Headphone Amplifier
Audio Go Bar Dongle DAC
iFi Audio Zen DAC And Zen Blue
Introductory Guide To High-Performance Audio Systems By Robert
IsoAcoustics GAIA I Speaker Isolators
Isolation Device Shootout
iSonic Cleaner 6.2-PRO Ultrasonic Vinyl LP Cleaner
JH Audio Roxanne
Custom IEM
JH Audio Roxanne
With Sony NW-ZX2
Jolida FOZ XT-R – The Fozgometer
Jolida Foz SSX -- Sound Stage Expander
Klipsch Image S2 In-Ear Headphones
KR Audio 300B Balloon Triode
LAB12 HPA OTL Headphone Amplifier
La Progettazione Dei Diffusori A
Tromba (Horn Book)
LessLoss BlackGround 10X Power Base
LessLoss Giant Steps Equipment Feet
Linear Tube Audio microZOTL 2.0 Headphone Amplifier
Little Dot CU-KIS In-Ear Monitor
Bands: Tweaking To Beat The Band
Logitech Harmony 688 (H688) Remote Control
Ten Misconceptions About Loudspeaker Spikes
Loudspeaker Mega-Tweakfest Featuring Synergistic, Bybee, Soundeck And More! Rick Becker reviews the Synergistic Research Cable Risers, XOT Transducers, HFT Speaker Kits, Plus Bybee Technologies Quantum Clarifiers. Also included are the Soundeck Damping Fee
LSA Diamond Headphones
LSA VT-70 Vacuum Tube Stereo Integrated Amplifier
/ Headphone Amplifier
Magico SPod Footers
Male RCA Plug Shootout. A DIY
Magnum Dynalab MD-106T Triode
Manley Labs Absolute Headphone Amplifier
Manley Labs Absolute Headphone Amplifier
/ Preamplifier
Manley Laboratories Skipjack
Marigo Ultima Signature Mat
Marigo Audio Lab RHX Mystery Feet
Mark Levinson No.5909 Noise-Cancelling Stereo Headphones
Massif Record Weight
/ Cable Risers
Meze Audio Elite Masterpiece Open Back Headphones
Audio Rai Penta In-Ear Monitor
Mi Headphones
Built By Xiao Mi
Fun With MP3
Monoprice Monolith Liquid Platinum Headphone Amplifier
Monoprice Monolith Liquid Spark Headphone Amplifier
Monoprice Monolith Liquid Gold X Headphone Amplifier
MrSpeakers AEON Open Back Over-The-Ear Stereo Headphones
MrSpeakers Ether 2 Over-The-Ear Headphones
MrSpeakers Alpha Dog Headphones
MrSpeakers AEON
Closed Back Over-The-Ear Stereo Headphones
Musical Fidelity's Merlin System
Fraim: Naim's
Modular Fraim Racking System
Napa Acoustic NA 208 H Headphone Amplifier
Nessie Vinylcleaner Pro LP Washer
/ Cleaner
Rupert Neve Fidelice Precision
Headamp / DAC
Nitty Gritty Model 2.5Fi-XP Record Cleaning Machine
Noble 3 Universal Fit In-Ear Monitors
Noble Falcon Pro True Wireless IEMs
Noble Fokus True Wireless In-Ear Monitor (IEM)
Noble Audio's Mighty Khan In-Ear Monitors
Noble Prestige Kaiser
Noble Sultan In-Ear Monitor (IEM)
Noble Zephyr Hybrid In-Ear Monitor
Novus... Cleans, Protects and Revitalizes Discs
NPS 1260 3D Enhancer Solution
Revisiting The NPS 1260 3D Enhancer Solution
Odyssey Audio
$1.500 System
Okki Nokki Record Cleaning Machine MK
PM-1 Planar Magnetic Headphones
Headphones And HA-2 Headphone Amp/DAC Preview
OPPO PM-3 Planar Magnetic 'Phones & HA-2
Amp-DAC Review
Orb Audio Sakura deStat
Pass Laboratories HPA-1 Headphone Amplifier
Periodic Audio Beryllium In-Ear Monitors (IEMs)
Pina Zangaro Bex 3-Ring CD Binder
Pono Music Player
Pro Sound Labs' PuroQuiet Active Noise Cancelling Headphones
Audio P600 Power Plant with MultiWave Patterns
PS Audio Quintessence Power Center
PS Audio Soloist
PS Audio DirectStream Power Plant 20 AC Regenerator
Pure Vinyl Playback And Recording Software For Mac OSX
Q's The InterFace
QD-1-IIL Ambience Extractor
Quad PA-One+ Triode Vacuum Tube DAC
/ Headamp
Quantum Products, Inc.
Symphony AC Line Conditioner
Quantum's RT800 Black Box
Questyle CMA Twelve Flagship DAC
/ Headamp
Questyle M15 In-Line USB DAC
/ Headphone Amplifier
Questyle QP1R Portable Music Player
RAAL Requisite HSA-1b Headphone
/ Speaker Amplifier
RAL KEB02iP Battery-Powered Headphone Amplifier
Ray Samuels Audio Emmeline The Predator
RealTraps Corner Room Reflections
CD Tweaks That Work!
Review-O-Rama! Vinyl Goodies
2 Much Is Not Enough!
Lehmann Audio Black Cube, Gallo Acoustic Micro speakers, Vibrapods, and Caig R5 contact cleaner/enhancer!
Review-O-Rama! Read our exploration into
various wires and power condition.
Rothwell In-Line Attenuators
Rupert Neve Headphone Amplifier RNHP
Sand Bagging: Getting the Most From Your
Schiit Jotunheim Balanced Desktop Headamp
/ Preamp
Schiit Lyr 3 Hybrid Headamp
/ DAC / Phono
Sennheiser HD 660 S Over-Ear Headphones
Sennheiser CX 500 In-Ear Headphones
Sennheiser HDV 820 DAC
/ Headphone Amplifier
Sennheiser HD
650 Headphones
HD 600 Headphones
Sennheiser HD 800 S Open-Back Stereo Headphones
Sennheiser HD820 Stereo Headphones
Serene Innovations ReNew IEM Dryer
Shuguang Treasure Series Vacuum Tubes Series 6CA7 And KT88
Slim Devices Squeezebox 3 Network Music Player
Sleek Audio CT6 Custom Earphones + Wireless Module
Sony NWZ-ZX1 And NWZ-A17 Versus The Pono Music Player
Sony NW-ZX2 Walkman
Sony NW-ZX2 Meeting At Pan Pacific Hotel In Singapore
Sony NW-ZX2 Walkman Versus Astell&Kern AK240
Sound Alignment System's Excellent Laser Technique.
Soundeck Record Weight
Audio Ramblings And The SOtM sNH-10G Switch
Sound Application CF-X
Sound Dead Steel, Revisited
Spin-Clean Record Washer
Spring Cleaning
Stack Audio Auvo
Stack Audio Linn LP12 Turntable Tweaks
Stand By Me -- Pedestrian Ways To Support Your Loudspeakers
Sound Technologies Audio Points
StereoPravda SPearphone SB-3.5
In-Ear Monitors (IEM)
Symposium, A Symphony of
Subatomic String Tuning Device
Sunshine Co. Ltd. S50 Under-Boards And S4 Bases
Symposium Acoustics Isis Shelf And Rollerblock
Jrs. Part One
Symposium Acoustics Isis Shelf And Rollerblock
Jrs. Part Two
Synergistic Research Black Quantum Fuses And UEF Black Duplex Outlet
Synergistic Research Ethernet Switch UEF, Foundation Ethernet Cable, Active Ground Block SE, And Purple Fuses
Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 UEF SE
& Atmosphere Level 2 & 3 Power Cords
Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 SX
Synergistic Research PowerCell ONE Line Conditioner
Synergistic Research Master Fuses
Synergistic Research Pink Fuses
Synergistic Research PowerCell And Tesla SE T3 Active Power Cord
Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 UEF SE
& Atmosphere Level 2 & 3 Power Cords
Research Purple Duplex Outlet, MiG 3.0 Footers,
And Carbon Tuning Discs
Synergistic Research Tweakfest With the Orange Duplex, Carbon Fiber Duplex Cover, Tranquility Pod, MiG SX footers and Ground Block.
Synergistic Research UEF Record Weight
Synergistic Research
Telos Audio Gold Plated Pure Copper XLR Male
TerraSonde Audio
Toolbox Plus
Model Two Radio
TJ Full Music Carbon Plate 300B
TJ Mesh Plate 300B Gold
Triphaszer Unit
Torus Power CS 15 AVR
Townshend 2D and 3D Seismic Sinks
Fools Article: Tweaking Without Limits
Ultimate Ears UE18 Pro
IEMs With Sony NW-ZX2
The Ultimate Tweak
Ultimate Soundophile's
Ultrasone HFI-2200 Natural Surround Sound Headphones
Unique Melody Mirage In-Ear Monitors
Feature The Entry Level Project
How to put together an awesome $5000 sound system!
Featuring: Coincident Dynamo 34SE integrated amplifier, Tekton Designs Lore
Reference speakers, Schiit Bifrost DAC, Uniko AVM, and Boston Audio Design
Valve CD
Valve Magazine
Vertere Techno Mat
Vibration Isolation Device Shootout
Walker Valid
Weizhi Purity Graphite Footers And MK Audio
Wells Audio Headtrip II Headphone Amplifier
Wells Audio Looking Glass II Level II Power Conditioner
Wells Audio Milo Headphone Amplifier
Westone Audio Mach 20, 60, And 70 In-Ear Monitor (IEM)
Wholehouse High-Resolution Audio. Myth Or Reality?
Winter Tweakfest 2008- Windows, Floors
XTZ Room Analyzer
Yin Yang Labs Graphametric Paralyzer
The "ZERO" Audio Autoformer Speaker Impedance Multiplier
ZMF x Vibro Headphones
ZMF X Vibro MK II Headphones
ZMF Eikon And Atticus Stereo Headphones
ZMF Auteur Over-Ear Headphone
ZMF Verité Over Ear
Closed Headphones
ZMF Vérité Over Ear
Open Headphones