April Fools Joke!
Yin Yang Labs Graphametric
Paralyzer Review
Audiophiles worldwide have long been looking for a way to enhance the enjoyment of their music. This has lead to inevitable upgrades in various parts of their music reproduction system. This piece will enhance the transparency of lesser recordings, or reduce them if you are tired of hyper-reality. Like your system's transparency, the imaging can be tuned to fine Zeiss-like focus, or into a blur. For those using older solid-state devices or push-pull amplifiers, the harmonics know may be the key for those looking for that zero feedback single-ended tube sound! For me, the most important adjustment the Yin Yang Labs Graphametric Parlyzer can achieve is in adding real talent to those pop music recordings. While there may be gifted people who lack the talent, imagine Britney Spears or Taylor Swift with ten times the talent! Alas, even with this adjustment i found that a certain singer was still the lifeless sell-out they are. Seems that when you start out with zero talent, zero multiplied by ten still equals zero. On the other end of the scale, incredible individuals such as Miles Davis, Billie Holiday, Buddy Guy and the like have so much talent that any adjustment of the talent knob appears to have no effect at all! Of course in the end what really matters is that you...
Specifications Other Details: 3,000 year aged silver employed throughout. All components custom made by hand using ancient Buddhist Monk techniques. Some parts only capable of being made by a man wearing a pointy hat during nights with a full moon due to effects of the moon's magnetic nature. Impedance: Variable input/output with custom autoformer that senses only what is absolutely necessary (no more than needed, no less than required). Weight: 70 pounds Shielding: Fully shielded from unwanted spirits, ill will, bad karma and/or rogue government intervention. Price: $1,965,043.69
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