September 2012

Audio Electronics Nighthawk Headphone Amplifier
A stunning headphone amplifier that easily resolves instruments in great detail.
By Tom Lyle
To begin this review, it is worth
mentioning some history of the audio manufacturer Audio Electronics. Audio
Electronics was formed in 1993 as a side project of renowned tube component (and
these days, often solid-state and digital) manufacturer Cary Audio. Audio
Electronics offered mostly tube amps that were more affordable than the Cary
gear, and was less ambitious in design and build, but certainly very
fine-sounding equipment. Cary Audio put Audio Electronics into hibernation for a
few years, but they've re-launched the brand, its first product being the
subject of this review: the solid-state Nighthawk headphone amplifier. Audio
Electronics' products are sold through Cary Audio's website.
The Nighthawk is a rather large headphone amp. I've seen
headphone amps that could fit in the palm of one's hand, although the majority
of these units are meant to double as portables, and the Nighthawk obviously
cannot function as a portable. Part of the reason of the Nighthawk's rather
large size is due to its seriously large, low noise, over-built, fully
regulated, discrete power supply. Its power supply is fed by a power transformer
which is rated three times greater than required for the Nighthawk's design. Its
"top quality" parts are mounted on a heavy-gauge fiberglass circuit board, and
its large size might also be due to its internal components, which seem to be
optimized for sonic performance with less regard to the component's dimensions.
It’s all solid-state design is based on a monolithic JFET device which Audio
Electronics claims was also chosen for its sonic traits. The discrete Class A
output stage, "yields tremendous speed and bandwidth for very accurate musical
reproduction". The output stage goes to a "fully complementary" high-speed
buffered output stage to ensure high linearity and low distortion, which Audio
Electronics says leads to musical accuracy. No global feedback is used, and the
Nighthawk is said to be able to drive headphones with an impedance of 20 and 600
Ohms, which pretty much means any headphones which are likely to be in any
audiophile's collection. The amp also has a five-second muting circuit which
prevents noise when powering the amp. In their literature they also infer that
the Nighthawk is voiced "not like typical solid-state".
black cabinet of the Nighthawk measures 14.5" deep yet only 8.5" wide, which
makes it a bit more space-saving than a full width component, but with such a
depth it still needs quite a bit of shelf space. The front panel has a simple
layout, which reflects the operation of the Nighthawk. On the left side of the
front panel is a large, smooth running silver-colored volume control, to its
right the 0.25" headphone input jack, and then the power button with a red
indicator light above it. The back panel is just as spare – which includes a
pair of RCA inputs and fixed outputs, and an IEC power cord receptacle.
I guess I should mention one thing right away
that may be a deal breaker for some headphone aficionados: some may complain
that the Nighthawk has too few functions to justify its price. There is only one
headphone input, the unit does not have any gain sensitivity choices, and some
might (heavens forbid) wish for some sort of signal processing functions. But as
I'm (and I assume most of you are) more interested in sound quality than any
bells and whistles that a headphone amp may provide, and so there weren't any
times that I wished for any of these options – one input was perfectly fine
because I'm a solitary listener, I didn't miss a gain sensitivity control
because the gain was nearly perfect for any headphone I connected, and I would
never, I said never, want to alter the signal beyond what the engineers,
producers, and especially the musicians originally intended for me to hear,
without any sort of sound processing.
The sources I connected to the Nighthawk were
both analog and digital, the analog being a Basis Debut V turntable with a Lyra
Kleos phono cartridge mounted on a Tri-Planar VI tonearm. The tonearm is wired
with Discovery cable, which continues directly to a Pass Labs XP-15 phono
preamp, which in turn was connected through its balanced outputs with MIT
Shotgun S3.3 interconnects to a Balanced Audio Technologies (BAT) VK-3iX preamp.
The digital front end was for the majority of the time a 3.20 GHz Dell Studio
XPS PC with 8 Gig of RAM running Windows 7 using Foobar 2000 with the computer's
ASIO'd USB output fed via DH Labs cable to either a Benchmark DAC1Pre or Wadia
121 USB digital-to-analog converter, the balanced outputs of which were fed to
the preamp. The tape-out of the preamp was fed to the inputs of the Nighthawk,
essentially taking the preamp out of the equation other than its short run of
internal wiring and source selector. The headphones used were for the most part
the top-of-the-line Grado PS1000. I had on hand quite a few other headphones,
none of which sounded nearly as good as the Grados, including a high-ranking
Sennheiser, but for this review the Grados were the cans I used for the
evaluation, first and foremost because they were the not only the best in house,
but the best I've ever heard, regardless of the amp driving them. My review of
the Grados is forthcoming. But still, I also used other headphones, even some
cheap-o models I had lying around just to see how things would sound with
less-than-superb 'phones connected to the Nighthawk's input. My view of the
Nighthawk’s sound quality is based not only with the Grado PS1000, but from
what I heard with the others, although the PS1000's were the greatest in
revealing both the Nighthawk's strengths and weaknesses.
I suppose that many will consider what headphone
amplifier they are going to purchase based on their system and headphone
preferences (and price), and thus many will read this review with these things
in mind, at least I hope they do. But as my sources are at least above average
(especially the analog), and the headphones I used for the evaluation are the
stupendous sounding, and rather pricey, Grado PS1000 one would think I'm putting
the Nighthawk through its paces in the best possible light.
My first impression of the Nighthawk was its transparent
sound. I would go as far as saying if this is all one is looking for in a
headphone amplifier, one need not look any further than Cary's webpage to order
this unit. Yes, I've heard other headphone amps that are transparent, yet the
Nighthawk was able to combine this transparency with a dynamic sound that not
only was able to get its gain section out of the way of the sound, that is, it
didn't inject any sound of its own, but simply increased the gain to a necessary
level. It was able to drive a decent pair of headphones, but was also able to
make music sound like music. This might sound simple, but many products sound "good"
without sounding musical. This is more difficult than it might seem. It goes
without saying (even though I just mentioned it) that this should be one of the
most important characteristics any audiophile should look for in any piece of
equipment that aspires to be included in one's arsenal. In addition to this,
Nighthawk's musicality was not at the expense of separating individual
instruments and sounds, as clarity was also one of its positive traits. One
might assume that transparency and clarity are simply two terms for the same
thing, and often they are, but in the case of the Nighthawk this meant that not
only was I able to hear whatever the recording intended me to hear, but the
resulting sound was involving enough to bring out the excitement in the music at
the same time. Jump factor, if I may, although jump factor is usually associated
with loudspeakers, it is often applicable to power amplifiers in that they have
the headroom and can separate instruments that are playing the same volume
simultaneously, and one follow these instruments throughout while the
component's sound never loses its musical character. The Nighthawk is able to
pull this off.
The above paragraph might seem to some as a bit
disjointed, but what I'm getting at is that Cary and Audio Electronics have
produced a product that is more than just a booster of the headphone's signal.
It belongs in the class of components that come along all too infrequently --
one that seems to somehow sense what the signal is composed of and interpret it
correctly. Many simply call this type of gear "musical" and that it has "rhythm"
and "pace", and usually this type of equipment only comes from experienced
designers. Cary, er, Audio Electronics are experienced designers. And as a bonus
they have done this for a relatively affordable price.
the members of Amsterdam's Concertgebouw Orchestra perform Hindemith's Chamber
Concertos (Kammermusik) conducted by Richardo Chially on the two CD set on
London through the Nighthawk was as good as I've ever heard it. Once I was
chastised by for letting someone know that I sometimes preferred the less
popular Ensemble Modern version on RCA with Markus Stenz conducting, but have
always come back to the wonderful performance that Chially draws from his Dutch
outfit. These postmodern miniatures, which were written for smallish to slightly
larger than medium sized groups and are called by Hindemith "Chamber Concertos",
but are in fact more akin to plain concertos, period. Still, regardless of the
size of the ensemble during these seven concertos, the Nighthawk managed to not
only separate the complexity of sounds from each of the instruments, but when
the pieces feature musicians that are practically playing the obtuse lines in
unison each instrument can be heard individually. This is not to say that the
Nighthawk is too detailed – when
listening in a concert hall it is difficult to hear each instrument when it is
playing in a group, but the amp's lifelike character was able to accomplish this
feat as realistically as I've heard from just about any solid-state headphone
amp. I felt as if I could count the instruments in the group that were
performing. The solo instruments, whether string, wind, or horn, were reproduced
with a lifelike quality that made the "soundstage within my skull" not that much
of a deterrent to imagining the musicians playing this music, grouped on the
stage in their street clothes peering over their music stands at Chailly. The
Nighthawk's bass response was put to the test on the second movement of the
Organ Concerto (No. 7), where in my mind's ear the lowest notes of the organ
shook the air in the hall, as the higher notes floated in the air above the
musicians and the empty seats. This is a great double-CD that is worth adding to
one's collection.
I'm sure more often than not classic rock band's
record companies re-release their material with cashing in as the only reason.
The band members in all likelihood aren't in need of the two cents a copy they
will split between them. Yet I was more than happy to acquire a new extended CD
version of the Rolling Stone's Exile On Main
St., and yes, I enjoyed hearing the "new" material on the second
disc. But it also compelled me to pull the UK edition of the original LP off the
shelf, clean it, and give it more than a few spins over the last few months. I'm
as gullible as any in my age group, so "Tumbling Dice" was able to take hold and
force me to play it numerous times. From Keith's squiggly guitar intro, to the
Nick Taylor's overdubbed bass line where it is easy to hear that he's playing
with a pick as opposed to Bill Wyman's customary thumb strokes, the Audio
Electronics Nighthawk was quite at home reproducing this rocking tune. Again,
its separation of instruments and groups of instruments, as well as the details
that were made evident, such as being able to distinguish the two sounds that
made up the simultaneous snare crack and tambourine hit on Charlie Watt's kit.
It made the tune sound as intoxicating on this 3000's spin as it did when I
first heard it on AM radio as a kid – except with the Nighthawk it was as if I
was joining the band in the mixing sessions as opposed to just being a passive
The only slight negative I can think of in
regards to the Nighthawk's sound, in that it might be a bit on the dry side –
and so there may be some headphone listeners that would prefer that the sound of
the Nighthawk wasn't so honest. A tube unit it ain't. I do like to balance the
sound of tubes with solid-state, so I'm likely to pair a solid-state amp with a
tube preamplifier, or vice versa. To my ears, this is the best of possible
worlds. I'm a little disappointed because about three weeks after receiving my
sample of the Nighthawk, Cary introduced their $1595 HH-1 solid-state/tube
hybrid headphone amp. Granted, it is $400 more expensive than the Nighthawk, and
this might be more money than some would want to spend on a headphone amp in
this class. Still, I hope I don't sound disgruntled. I'm not. I don't think
anyone who purchased or is going to purchase the fine Nighthawk headphone amp
should be, either. I could picture myself living with this baby for quite a long
time, if not forever.
Nighthawk is an awfully good sounding headphone amplifier and I predict that
they will sell lots of these sight unseen. Not only because of Cary and Audio
Electronics’ reputation, but the good reviews that it is likely to receive in
addition to mine. It might not be as flexible as some might want, and it is
quite a large headphone amp. But the sonic positives outweigh these slight
negatives by quite a large margin. It is a detailed, musical, realistic sounding
headphone amp that can drive any pair of headphones it is likely to encounter.
When matched with a top-flight set of cans such as Grados PS1000 the resulting
sound is as good as it is likely to get in one's home. It is also able to drive
much less upscale 'phones, too, and with great results. This unit is highly
recommended – to anyone that wants get serious about their headphone listening
experience – and will likely be the last headphone amp one ever purchases.
Type: Solid-state stereo headphone amplifier
Input Impedance: 50 kOhms
Gain: 20dB
Frequency Response 5 Hz to 35 kHz (-1dB)
Signal to Noise Ratio >90dB at 0dB gain
THD <0.01%
Channel Separation >70dB/10kHz
Output Power: 400mW/300 Ohms, 600mW/30 Ohms
Output Impedance: 5 ohms
Dimensions: 14.5" x 8.5" x 4" (LxWxH)
Weight: 10 lbs.
Price: $1195
Company Information
Audio Electronics/Cary Audio
1020 Goodworth Drive
Apex, NC 27539
Voice: (919) 355-0010
Fax: (919) 355-0013