If you are like me, there is just that something about
opening up a new piece of gear and taking a long, deep smell. Call me sick or demented,
though the smell of new audio gear is intoxicating. For many people it is the
smell of a new car, still others enjoy mother natures aroma during the spring or
fall. But an audiophile such as myself, it is that new gear smell. Have heard
that videophiles get the same "high" off of new lamp bulb scent(!).
And as for tube heads, is it just me or do those Czech tubes and
KT90s produce one heck of an enchanting scent? N.O.S. junkies take note as the
mix of vintage tube and old cardboard mix to produce what may be considered the
most pleasing fragrance of them all! If there was only a way to bottle that bouquet
and market it. Imagine the possibilities!
Total Obsession by Bugle Boy of Holland (NOS tube scent),
Musical Escape by Kevin Deal (new electronics scent), or a wonderful cologne
called D.I.Y. Be from the genius of Doc Bottlehead (new loudspeaker scent). Put
a screw cap on a globe tube and have it boxed in Mil Spec form. i can hear the
orders coming in now for the holiday season. But like any new product you need
good marketing.
<TV Commercial>

<Fade in to an artfully designed listening room. The TV
Announcer says>
"For the audiophile who has everything. State-of-the-art
digital, silver wire, and exotic loudspeakers.
<Fade to a picture of Doc B standing next to a pair of Climax
loudspeakers. Then pan camera to an inverted globe Sylvania 50 ux250 tube next
to N.O.S. box>
"Doc B brings you a cologne no audiophile should be
without. D.I.Y. Be, for that just out of the box new loudspeaker aroma. Nothing
can match the bouquet of crafted exotic Brazilian Teak wood and 1837™ Legacy premium
wood stain with a touch Titebond wood glue."
<Fade to a woman seductively poised with D.I.Y.
Be between her magnificently tantalizing breasts. She gently smiles and says in
a voice ever so enticing>

"My man only wears D.I.Y Be... and nothing else. It drives me from Foreplay to Full
Seduction. Are you a D.I.Y. Be man?"
Coming Back To Reality
Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? Let us get back to
shopping... and marketing. The problem with high-end audio is the sheer lack of
advertising dollars and the spreading of knowledge. Bose has Herbie Hancock
selling out for some small gadget that many true audiophiles consider
lackluster. We audiophiles need a one-two knockout punch like Shawn Connery and
Halle Barry, or perhaps grab the youth market with Vin Diesel and Lora Croft.
Ok, so perhaps the editor of an American audiophile magazine would be more
knowledgeable, yet we need Xtreme eye candy folks!
If the high-end audio market is to thrive in this challenging
market, we need not keep selling and reselling to the same people time and time
again. We need fresh blood bringing in the dollars. Please considering
supporting our industry this holiday season. No amount is too small, or too
large for that matter. When your relatives and friends come by to celebrate the
holidays, why not play their favorite music and allow the music to speak to
them. Who knows, they might actually ask why the music sounds enthralling as compared
to their Bose Wave Radio. As always, in the end what really matters is that you...