January 2006
Once Again It's Showtime
Plus Another Reviewer Spotlight.
Article By Steven R. Rochlin
Click here to e-mail reviewer

Virtually every audiophiles knows
that within a few days we will be reporting on the world's largest electronic
show gatherings. Specifically, CES and
T.H.E. Show located in Las Vegas.
This is that magical time of year where many new products, some of which are
already featured within our pre-show
report, will make their first appearance anywhere in the world! While
this is big news, and our 11th consecutive year covering the Vegas
event, we have other news that marks the expansion of Enjoy the Music.com!
Expansion To Benefit Everyone
Over the years we have grown and expanded. First was show
reports with tweaks and lust pages featuring photos of sensuous audio
components. Then came along our Review Magazine,
followed a few years later with Superior
Audio that is dedicated to the upper echelon of equipment. Now it
is time to once again reach out and enter the multi-channel audio market. Unlike
previous enhancements, this new magazine will have its very own Web address. It
is with great pleasure i present Enjoy
the Cinema.com.
audiophile have multi-channel audio systems to support DVD-Audio, DTS, Dolby
Digital... or Sony's proprietary SACD format. While we have covered a few
surround sound topics, i felt it was best to have a proper, fully-realized site
that provided reviews and information regarding multi-channel (over two) audio,
and dare we say it, video too! While Enjoy the Music.com
will also be reaching out to new audio and multi-zone digital music
distribution systems and technologies, Enjoy the Cinema.com™
will be geared towards home theater devices. We have some great reviews to come
plus new writers and editorial articles making an appearance. While the official
launch date is planned for early February, we already have some great
information posted including news articles, manufacturers links, and more!
Please visit Enjoy the Cinema.com
and let us know what you think.
Reviewer Spotlight
This month Phil Gold joins our Reviewer Spotlight that in the
past consisted of myself, senior editor Dick Olsher
and Scott Faller. Phil grew up in a house full
of music. His mother played the piano, his father was a jazz fanatic and hi-fi
nut before the days of stereo, and his brother Alvin played guitar and preceded
him many years ago into the world of reviewing.
His preference is for simple elegant equipment that can come as close as
possible to the sound of a good concert hall or night club. He loves Bach,
Mozart, Beethoven, Shostakovich but also Sidney Bechet, Sonny Rollins, Art
Tatum, Nina Simone, Dylan, The Beatles and Eminem. His favorite is chamber music
but his collection is wide-ranging, extensive and still growing.
His first good system featured a Goldring Lenco turntable, a Rotel 610
amplifier and the miraculous Spendor BC1 speakers, whose drive units he blew up
more than once through over enthusiastic use of the volume control. On moving to
North America in 1980 he graduated to a Linn LP12, Itok and Asak, Meridian M2
active speakers and a Meridian preamp. A Koetsu Black cartridge replaced the
Asak a few years later, and a second generation of Meridian preamp replaced the
original. This very compact system lasted throughout the 80's because the active
speaker system was so far ahead of its time. The first small speakers Phil found
to outshine the Meridians were the Proac Response 2s. This required new
electronics and the YBA Integre fit the bill. One day, quite by chance, Phil
stumbled over a pair of Wilson Benesch Act 1 speakers in need of a new home. And
miraculously they matched the new custom-designed stereo cabinet. Phil will
probably keep these speakers for ever, and has upgraded them along the way with
new drive units from Wilson Benesch and Bybee Quantum Filters. To exploit the
full potential of the Act 1s two integrated amplifiers from New Zealand have
taken their turns in the system, first a Plinius 8200 and now a Perreaux R200i,
the very epitome of high performance in a small elegant package.
Digital sources have never greatly impressed Phil in the past. A Denon, a two
box PS Audio pair and a Krell have passed through the house. Now he has found a
digital source to be proud of, and one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, the
Meridian G08 CD Player. The next step is an overhaul of his trusty 25 year old
LP12. A Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood cartridge, a Graham Slee Era Gold V phono
preamp, a Graham Slee Solo headphone amp, AKG K1000 headphones, a Nordost Thor
Power Distribution System and Valhalla cables complete the system.
He has led a simple life as a mathematician / economist / shepherd / actuary /
programmer / entrepreneur / reviewer and father of two and he holds triple
nationality. As we always say, in the end what really matters
to me is that we
Enjoy the Music (Sheryl Crow "Leaving Las Vegas" right now),
R. Rochlin
"Life springs eternal
On a gaudy neon street
Not that I care at all
I spent the best part of my losing streak
In an Army Jeep
For what I can't recall
Oh I'm banging on my TV set
And I check the odds
And I place my bet
I pour a drink
And I pull the blind
And I wonder what I'll find
I'm Leaving Las Vegas
Lights so bright
Palm sweat, blackjack
On a Saturday night
Leaving Las Vegas..."