December 2012
Exclusive Shootout!
High End Headphone Amp Group Test Shootout!
Bryston BHA-1, Graham Slee Solo SRGII, Graham Slee Solo Ultralinear Diamond Edition, Musical Fidelity M1HPA and Woo Audio WA22 headphone amplifiers.
Review By Phil Gold
More and more people are
listening to music through headphones. Of course the iPod, iPhone and other MP3
devices have been a big factor, but today we're looking at the high end of the
headphone market. Those who are looking for something better than MP3 quality,
those looking for better sound than they can get from the headphone jack in
their stereo or CD player, those looking for great sound from their computer or
internet streaming device, those who in some cases are looking for the ultimate
in HiFi – these are the potential buyers of the standalone headphone
We have quite a mixed bag of headamps in this
group test. The simplest is the Graham Slee Solo SRG-II, the latest in a long
series of refinements of the original Solo design. A plain compact silver box
with a volume control and source toggle, it should be placed at a distance from
the dedicated PSU1 power supply. Over in the UK, Mr. Slee never sleeps. He has
come up with an alternative design, the Solo Ultralinear (UL), which he now
offers at a small premium. This version has been designed to offer the sound
characteristics of a fine tube amp without actually using tubes to get there. He
even offers a kit to upgrade earlier Solo amps to UL DE status. Both headamps
offer a choice of two unbalanced inputs and are the only ones in this test with
just a single headphone output, although you can drive two pairs comfortably
with the aid of a splitter.
The least expensive component in this group is
the Musical Fidelity M1HPA but it has quite a few tricks up its sleeve,
including a Pure Class A design, a built in DAC and preamp outputs. It features
a very large volume control which dominates the front panel and allows finer
control of volume than the others in this test. It also offers two standard
headphone jacks. It has a very healthy output level and a low output impedance
that should allow it to mate well with a variety of headphones.
The Woo Audio WA22 is also a simple device, but
it's built on a massive scale and offers two sets of balanced headphone outputs
in addition to the regular ¼" jack socket. You can use them all at once if you
like, although you cannot control the volume level separately for each output.
It's a fully balanced tube powered Class A output transformer-coupled design. It
features a 5AR4 rectifier tube, two 6SN7 driver tubes and two 6AS7 output tubes
and weighs a massive 25 lbs. With the standard tubes it retails for $1900 but
you can easily spend over $2500 if you specify upgraded tubes. You can select
between balanced and unbalanced inputs on the rear panel, and between low and
high impedance outputs on the front panel.
The newest component is the Bryston Audio BHA-1
and it offers the most flexibility of the bunch. It has the same three outputs
on the front panel as the Woo Audio, but it also doubles as a preamp with
balanced outputs on the rear panel paralleling the balanced headphone outputs up
front. You get a front panel selector for balanced input, unbalanced input or
mini-jack input and this is the only model here to offer a balance control. The
BHA-1 has been a long time coming as Bryston tried out many different designs,
soliciting user input along the way. As launched earlier this year and reviewed
elsewhere, the BHA-1 did not have the preamp output, and I am very pleased to
see this additional feature, since it works remarkably well as a fully balanced
preamp. Internally the analog output derives from six Class A fully
discreet operation amplifiers of Bryston's own design.
Sadly none of these units has a remote control.
Perhaps most users sit close by their preamp – I don't.
Let us take a closer look at the units in
Slee Solo SRGII and Ultralinear Diamond Edition
Solo SRG-II is a very clean sounding wide-bandwidth unit. In the past I have
much preferred it to the Solo Ultralinear when using sensitive headphone like my
Ultimate Ears UE10Pro custom fit canal earphones. The SRG-II is silent as the
grave but early Ultralinear models produced an uncomfortable level of hiss in
this application. Mr. Slee never stops working to improve the Solos and recently
shipped me a revised model from current production (the Diamond Edition) which
not only puts all such noise issues to rest, it also improves clarity and
dynamics. While the Solo SRG-II and Solo Ultralinear DE are clearly from the
same family and look almost identical, the Ultralinear is warmer, more three
dimensional and simply more musical to these ears. I think it now clearly
eclipses the SRG-II and is well worth the price differential. With the
Ultralinear DE you get a very immersive experience. While on paper its rated
output is lower than the others here, it has enough power to drive the
inefficient Sennheiser HD800 to high volumes while the volume control is
calibrated well enough to cope well with efficient phones too.

Fidelity M1HPA
In terms of sound quality, the Musical
Fidelity is a close match to the Solo SRG-II. It is very quick like the Solo but
has a somewhat leaner balance. It is capable of driving the most inefficient
phones with ease and it has a very sweet treble. I didn't try it as a DAC – I
understand this is a convenience feature and not designed to be a high
performance option like you see on Musical Fidelity DACs. But I did use it
extensively as a preamplifier as I will discuss later.

the Musical Fidelity is a close sonic match to the Solo SRG-II, it will take
some kind of sonic microscope to separate the Solo Ultralinear from the sound of
the Bryston BHA-1 through its unbalanced output jack. Both of them reach very
high levels of performance with every phone I tried, and I strongly suspect they
sound so alike because they are converging on some kind of acoustic truth here.
Both have superb imaging, especially with the canal type phones, and I had no
difficulty listening for long periods. Both offer a very evenly balanced
frequency response, vanishingly low levels of distortion and a high level of
resolution coupled with powerful dynamics, where perhaps the Solo Ultralinear
does pull slightly ahead.
The Woo Audio WA22 is the final amplifier in this
grouping. It is hand built using point to point wiring throughout, which is much
more expensive than printed circuit boards assembled by machine. It is based on
a true balanced topology and no semiconductors are used in the design.
Sadly it had to go back before the Bryston
arrived, so I was not able to compare them side by side. I did listen to it next
to all the other amps and it certainly is a contender in terms of sound quality,
especially when used in balanced mode. As a tube amp you'd expect it to be on
the warm side of neutral, but if this was the case it was only to a very slight
degree. It lacks preamp outputs but otherwise it has similar features to the
Bryston, and rates even higher in terms of maximum output, making it the best
placed to fully drive the AKG K1000s.
But like the first version of the Solo
Ultralinear, it is not a good match for highly efficient phones like the
Ultimate Ears. The problem is not hiss this time, but hum. In fact hum was
present with all phones to a certain degree, more on the left channel than the
right. Despite all efforts to avoid grounding problems, I could never completely
eliminate it. It seemed to be independent of volume level. You could only just
hear it on inefficient phones like the HD800s where it was inaudible when music
was playing, but it intruded with the Ultimate Ears so that even though the
sound quality was clearly excellent, the hum for me was a distraction. Now your
mileage may vary and hum may never be a problem for you but I strongly recommend
you try the Woo Audio in your home system before committing. You can try
different tubes to suit your taste and your wallet and the good guys at Woo
Audio offer a great deal of advice on their website in this regard. This is the
only amp here which can be tweaked in this way. I did some tube rolling and
could easily hear the benefits of the upgrades which added a greater sense of
ease and intimacy to the already fine sound.
The Sennheiser HD800s are the only phones that I
can drive both balanced and unbalanced, and I am very grateful to George Cardas
for supplying his superb Clear headphone cables in both balanced and unbalanced
formats for use in these tests. Now that I've done the comparison I am convinced
that the balanced option is not just of theoretical benefit, even if it academic
for most listeners whose headphones may not offer a balanced cable option.
While most of my listening comparisons are
centered around the HD800, I also used Ultimate Ears UE10Pro and AKG K701 phones
on all the machines in this group test. The results are consistent all the way
through, so I will not detail them separately. Listening tests involved
recordings of the highest quality including Schubert's Death
& The Maiden Quartet by the Lindsays [CD RSB 403], "Alfie's Theme"
by Sonny Rollins [Impulse IMPD 224], "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" from the
Beatles Love Album [Capitol 094637981023], MA
on SA [Crystal Cables Sampler] and Bartok Concerto
for Orchestra conducted by ZoltanKoscis [HungarotonHSACD 32187].
Audio WA22
WA22 has the highest output level of any headamp here, taking all the
inefficient headphones in its stride. As a tube amp it has settings for low and
high impedance phones and I found it best just to try each setting and settle
for the one that sounded best. The imaging is stronger than all others too,
which helps to alleviate that in-the-head sound some find objectionable with
headphones. I don't suffer from that symptom, perhaps due to my choice of open
headphones with drivers positioned forward and away from the ears, such as the
AKG K1000 and Sennheiser HD800. The one issue I had with the Woo Audio was also
an issue with a number of other tube-based components – a low level of tube
hum, especially in the left channel. This is not an issue with most headphones
but for high efficiency phones such as my Ultimate Ears UE10Pro canal phones,
this hum is problematic. Using the Sennheiser HD800 this was a non-issue and I'd
have to say the sound is a small notch above all the others, exceptionally
present and colorful while at the same time high in resolution and well

Woo Audio offers a large range of tube based
headphone amps. This one sits around the middle and is optimized for full sized
relatively inefficient headphones. If you are driving more efficient headphones
you might consider the WA6.
The best sound, without question, comes when
I replace the unbalanced Cardas Clear headphone cable on the Sennheiser HD800
(itself a major upgrade from the stock cable) with a fully balanced Cardas Clear
headphone cable terminated in a pair of three pin DIN plugs, one for each
channel. Connecting these to the Bryston gives a subtle but significant jump in
the size of the image, the level of detail and hence the musical realism. When
played in this fashion, balanced in, balanced out, the Bryston has a clear
advantage over the Solo Ultralinear, which like most headphone amps lacks the
balanced output option.
The famous old AKG K1000 ear speakers have seen
little use in recent years in my house, because they need the direct output of a
power amp, and I haven't had a power amp with speaker switching since my old
Perreaux Radiance died. The K1000 has a two piece cable, with a DIN connection
mid length. This DIN connector allowed me to try it with the Bryston, as long as
I sat within a short distance from the amp. The K1000 is very inefficient indeed
and even the powerful Bryston could not drive it to high levels but within a
civilized volume limit it performed very well indeed. The sound is definitely
tipped up towards the high frequencies, but this fault cannot be laid at the
foot of the Bryston. The combination is stunning in its clarity and may be ideal
on those recordings that possess something of a dark balance. Finally James
Tanner of Bryston lent me his personal pair of Grado PS1000 phones, with a
single balanced connector like the AKG K1000. Once again the Bryston drove these
phones very easily and the sound was enormously engaging. I felt these phones
were editorializing the music to a certain extent, making it more colorful than
through the Sennheisers, and this was confirmed by switching to my reference
speakers, the YGCarmels. The Sennheisers sound quite similar to the Carmels, but
the AKG have quite a different balance. In any event I could only try the Grados
through the Bryston, so I can only use the experience to indicate whether the
Bryston would make a good partner for them rather than to compare the Bryston to
the other amps.
The Woo Audio also sounded best through its
balanced outputs but showed less of an improvement when moving from unbalanced
to balanced headphones than the Bryston. It still retains the smallest of leads
over the Bryston with balanced phones due to superior instrumental color that
enriches vocals, strings and wind instruments alike.
Musical Fidelity And Bryston As Preamps
used the Musical Fidelity to drive a Bryston 4BSST² and a ModWright KWA150SE
through their unbalanced inputs. The sound was entirely consistent with what I
was hearing through headphones. Dynamic, quick, high resolution but lacking
somewhat in presence and a little bass shy. By comparison the Bryston was more
three dimensional, warmer, richer and altogether more competitive with dedicated
preamps. However the Bryston's preamp output level seemed uncomfortably high in
comparison with other preamps, so all adjustments were made in the first 15 or
20 degrees of rotation with balanced inputs, even on the low output toggle. If
you use an unbalanced input this situation improves.
sound quality, the Bryston does exceptionally well. This is especially truewith
a balanced input. It may in fact sound better than a Bryston standalone stereo
preamp since the discrete operational amplifiers used here are of a new
iteration developed for the new Bryston Surround processor. Bryston has found a
way to reduce the parts count and this is said to be responsible for greater
presence and lower noise. Of course the calibration of the volume control may be
a better match for power amps with lower or adjustable gain (Bryston power amps
have such a switch) and remote control would be very valuable here. Substituting
the costly EMM Labs Pre2 preamp quickly shows the sonic limitations of both
Musical Fidelity and Bryston headamps by opening up a wider and deeper
soundstage with increased density of musical information and openness at
frequency extremes. Nevertheless, the Bryston's quality is fully competitive
with stereo transistor preamps in the $1000 to $3000 range.

Few Words About Build Quality
Top marks here go to Musical Fidelity, with a
silk touch to the controls and a very high level of fit and finish. The Bryston
comes next, and remember that the BHA-1 comes with a 20 year warranty so you
know it is very well screwed together. The Woo Audio is big and heavy and
well-built but perhaps a little old fashioned in its physical presentation. The
two Solo models are in fact very well built, but they don't look the part. Being
so small and with the compact external power supply you might not at first think
that these are high quality components. In fact the small dimensions are
deliberate. It is much easier to control resonances in a small box than a large
one, and keeping the power supply at arm's length is the best way to keep the
noise level at a minimum. All Graham Slee components are small, some much
smaller than these. I've had many Graham Slee components through my house over
the years and never had any issues at all, for what it's worth.
There are five winners here. Each unit was selected for
inclusion on the basis of a very strong reputation from people I trust, and each
has its particular strengths.
Graham Slee
This is the unit I've lived with the longest and it's a strong
performer if you're looking for a compact reliable unit. Although I rated its
sound below the Solo Ultralinear, you should know that there are some that
prefer it for use with particular headphones and it does save you a couple of
hundred dollars. There is never a hint of noise with this unit, resolution is
high, distortion non-existent and it's thoroughly musical.
Graham Slee
Ultralinear Diamond Edition
While early Ultralinear samples were noisy when paired with high efficiency
phones, this problem has now been licked making this model much more widely
applicable. The superior imaging and greater musicality on all the single ended
phones in my collection make this component worth the extra money. You can't
beat the sound at this price and this is the one I'm keeping.
Fidelity M1HPA
This versatile and good looking box comes in at an unbeatable price and has the
best ergonomics of the pack together with useful extras such as a preamp output
and USB DAC. While it doesn't match the sound quality of the best models it isn't
far off at all, and I recommend it strongly.
Bryston BHA-1
If I had to pick a winner here it would have to be the Bryston. It is a close
match to the best in performance while offering superior versatility and value.
It is the least expensive of the headamps here that support balanced operation,
which I have found invaluable. Frankly I think it is underpriced and with the
recent addition of balanced preamp outputs I doubt it will stay at the original
$1295 for long. I predict a smash hit for Bryston. I'd like to see Bryston
introduce another model sitting above the BHA-1 with multiple balanced inputs,
higher maximum output, a remote control and a volume control covering a wider
range of output levels.
Woo Audio WA22
This is a superb sounding full-blooded headphone amp which users can tweak to
their heart's content through tube rolling. The Woo Audio website gives
extensive advice in this regard and you can order various upgrades directly from
them. In my system it was let down by a small hum issue which precludes its use
with high efficiency phones, but on the other hand it is the only device here
which can drive the AKG K1000s fully. It has a different balance to the Bryston,
a little warmer and even more dynamic, while not quite as clean and resolute in
the bass. It is the most expensive model here but a very strong candidate if you
are driving balanced headphones, in which case you should audition it up against
the Bryston BHA-1.
Solo UL BHA-1
9 15%
10 10%
3 15%
Quality: 8
10 35%
10 15%
9 10%
Specifications / Company Information
Slee Solo SRGII
Phone impedance: 16 to 600 Ohms
preferred; 8 to 2,000 Ohms acceptable
Headphone Jack: 1/4 inch
(6.35mm) A gauge (BPO B gauge to special order)
Power output:
32 Ohms: 27mW / channel; 600 Ohms: 23mW / channel
0.02% (THD plus noise, ref 1kHz)
Frequency response: 32 Ohms load: 27Hz - 35kHz; 600 Ohms
load: 10Hz - 39kHz (-3dB)
Output noise:
-84dB (20Hz-20kHz, CCIR quasi-peak)
Input sensitivity:
32 Ohms: 250mV rms; 600 Ohms: 775mV rms
Channel balance:
Better than 1dB, "9 to 3 o'clock" positions
Left to Right -57dB; Input to Input -68dB
Signal off mute, non-shorting
Output Stage:
Bipolar class AB
Supply voltage:
24V DC unipolar
4.2" x 2" x 7.3"(WHD)
Slee Solo Ultralinear Diamond
Phone impedance: 16 to 600 Ohms
preferred; 8 to 2,000 Ohms acceptable
Headphone Jack: 1/4 inch
(6.35mm) A gauge (BPO B gauge to special order)
Power output:
32 Ohms: 140mW / channel; 600 Ohms: 30mW / channel
< 0.04% (THD plus noise, 10Hz – 20kHz)
Frequency response: 10Hz – 35 kHz (+0, -3dB)
Output noise:
-95dB (22Hz-22kHz, unweighted quasi-peak)
Input sensitivity:
511mV rms
Input impedance: 37
kOhms at max volume; 50 kOhms at min volume
Channel balance:
Better than 1dB
Left to Right -56dB; Input to Input -68dB
Signal off mute, non-shorting
Output Stage:
Bipolar class AB
Supply voltage:
24V DC unipolar
4.2" x 2" x 7.3"(WHD)
Fidelity M1HPA
Output Power:
1.1W into 32 Ohm
Output impedance: < 1 Ohm
Output level:
5.2V rms max, 1.1W into 32 ohms
Output impedance: < 1 Ohm
Frequency response: 15Hz to 75kHz (+0, -3dB)
Signal to noise:
>109dB "A"- wtd
< 0.008% 10Hz to 20kHz
Line level input 1 pair RCA in
Line level outputs 1 pair RCA out, 1 pair RCA pre-out, 2 headphone outs
Digital input:
1 USB type ‘B' connector for computer/PDA
90 - 250 V 50/60Hz, 25 watts
3.4 kg (7½ lbs), 4.1 kg (9 lbs) in shipping carton
8⅔" x 4" x 12" (WHD)
Standard accessories: IEC type mains lead (10-Amp type)
Balanced XLR Pair, Single Ended Pair (RCA), 3.5mm Stereo Mini Jack
Balanced XLR (4 Pin), Balanced XLR Pair (3 Pin), 0.25" Headphone Jack
Preamp Outputs:
Balanced XLR Pair
Remote Trigger Input (5 - 12V AC/DC @10mA)
Rated at 0.5 wpc into 32 Ohms or 0.66 wpc into 600 Ohms
IM distortion:
Harmonic Distortion: <.003% at 32 Ohms at 100
mW (20Hz -20kHz)
Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz ± .1dB
Balance control:
Analog Output:
Six fully discrete Class A Bryston operational amplifiers
14dB or 20dB switchable
Input impedance: 10
Volume control:High quality noble stereo volume control (laser trimmed)
All gold plated
Available with Silver or Black Faceplate (2U)
17" or 19" Faceplate available
3⅛" x 17" x 11¼" (HWD) or 3⅛" x 19" x 11¼" (HWD)
8 lbs
Rack Mounting:
Available only in 19" Black
XLR Output connectors: Locking mechanisms, Female or Male Balanced
XLR available
Audio WA-22
Phone impedance: 8-600 Ohms
Input impedance: 100
Frequency response: 8 Hz - 50 KHz, -3dB
1.5 wpc @32 ohms, .7 wpc @600 ohms
92 dB
<= 0.3%
AC 110/220V, 50/60 Hz
Rectifier tube:
1 5AR4 rectifier tube. Direct substitute: 5U4G
Driver tubes:
2 6SN7 drive tubes
Power tubes:
2 6AS7 / 6080 power tubes
DACT CT2 balanced stereo stepped attenuator
One balanced XLR input, one single-ended RCA input
Headphone outputs: Two 3-pin balanced, one 4-pin
balanced output, single-ended
Impedance switch: High and low
impedance settings
Black or silver
External dimension: 12" x 7" x 10.5" (WHD)
25 pounds