December 2009
Eventually, I settled for a pre-production pair which was shipped to me in a heavy duty plastic flight case since the production packaging had not yet been completed. This was a mistake. Plastic is slippery and packaging sent via UPS and FedEx must negotiate long trails of conveyors in the cross-docking warehouses. Spills are not uncommon, I'm told. It didn't take long for me to recognize that this pair did not have the magic I heard at CES. Perhaps it was the loose solder connection at one of the binding posts, I thought. I wanted to take the drivers out, too, so that I might check their soldered connections, but they required a special bit. David Lesht of A.T. quickly sent one to me. The connections at the drivers on the speaker with the loose binding post were not great, so I leaned on my friend Bill Tomkiewicz, who is a serious tweaker, to do the job for me. In the mean time, I also discovered the cabinet of the speaker was cracked at the seam where the side meets the bottom plate — clear evidence of shipping damage. I left the speakers with Bill to be soldered and picked them up a week later. We auditioned them in his system and they seemed to be better, but not great. Bill shared a story of what happened during their stay at his home. Over the years he has swapped a lot of speakers in and out of his system. His wife, who is not an audiophile, never comments on any changes he makes to his rig. But she did when the A.T.s were put into the system. Listening from another room where she normally sits to read, she commented that they sounded "really good". I filed that away for future reference.
When the new packaging was developed, several pairs had to be
shipped out and returned to A.T. in When I unboxed them at home that night the packaging was clearly over-engineered and under-effective. I've been told the packaging has since been beefed up. I set them up in the video rig and let Linda burn them in with her usual assortment of Netflix, Dancing with the Stars, Biggest Loser, and that pinnacle of democracy where people get voted off an island. If a speaker can pass that acid test, it is ready for my big rig.
Them Up My friend Tom Lathrop was headed to the RMAF for the third
time and I asked him to stop into the Acoustic Technologies room and take a
photo of their set-up. In the photo he sent, the speakers
didn't look like they were set up much differently than I had done. I had tried
moving the speakers fore and aft in my wide listening room, but was not able to
make a significant improvement. The RMAF photo seemed to indicate I had my pair
about the same distance from the front wall as they did in
Listening From their literature before the speakers arrived, I noticed a similarity of the 3" full range driver with the Audience full range driver. Both use titanium cones and neodymium magnets, but the A.T. driver is sourced from China and is more modestly priced. It is quite efficient and was easily driven by my Manley Mahi monoblocks that put out about 13 watts into an 8 Ohm load such as this. Because it is a single driver, there is no crossover, of course. High purity solid silver wiring of 24 gauge is used within, and this same wire was used as speaker wire in their CES and RMAF presentations. Since it does not draw a lot of current, they can pull this trick off. A boondoggle weave of three wires was used in their demo to enable the wire to lie flat on the floor. A twisted pair has a tendency to curl up and pose a liability for tripping visitors. In actuality, only two wires were connected to the gold plated solid copper Cardas binding posts. From my DIY experiments in making my own interconnects I learned that 24 gauge silver plated copper mil-spec wire produced more highly focused music than the 18 gauge mil-spec wire I had previously been using. With this in mind, I made up a pair of speaker cables with 24 gauge mil-spec wire to replace my JPS Labs Super Conductor+ cables. The mil-spec wire gave me a little more energy at the top end, but switching back to the JPS cables some weeks later gave me a more relaxed presentation.
The audiophile in me had a hard time coming to grips with this discontinuity because at the same time I was equally enjoying listening to music through these speakers. A lyric from Leonard Cohen's "Love Calls You by Your Name" helped me resolve the situation. He wrote: You stumble into this movie house then you climb, you climb into the frame. As a film maker and videographer I did this all the time. And now, as an audiophile, I'm still guilty of this. I climb into the musical presentation seeking perfection and ferreting out flaws in the system. But if I sit back and let the music bathe me like water cascading over the falls, the AT is very pleasurable. My toe taps right along with the music. This brings me back to Bill's wife, who, not being an audiophile, simply bathed in the music coming from these speakers and loved what she heard. Another factor that may have led to her enjoyment was the smoothness of the upper treble. Women, in general, have better hearing than men, particularly in the uppermost frequencies and are quick to dismiss an irksome tweeter. While the treble sounded rolled off to my aging male ears, it actually measured surprisingly well. In fact, it was this curiosity about the high treble (as well as the bass) that led me to pull out my somewhat trusty Radio Shack analog SPL meter for a set of crude measurements taken from the listening position — a practice that David Maeshiba also prefers. This method incorporates the room response as well as the off-axis response which more closely represents what I was actually hearing than would an on-axis, anechoic measurement. Audio engineers, of course, think otherwise, but I'm more schooled in British Empiricism than electrical engineering.
Keep in mind the SPL chart is a measure of energy and does not correlate to the quality shift I heard in the bass that I mentioned above. It also does not reveal such shortcomings as the soft attack I heard on rim shots or even on cymbals. Both of these traits lean the A.T. toward pleasurable, non-critical listening. Also missing from the chart is the very nice transparency due to the time and phase coherency and the absence of electronic crossover. I drove the A.T.s not only with my hot-rodded Manley Mahis, but also with my Plinius solid state muscle amp, very conservatively, I might add. The A.T.s gave one of the deepest soundstages I've heard with solid state, and the tonal characteristics of the speaker did not seem to shift as much as usually happens when you go from tubes to solid state, or vice versa. It works with both, as long as you don't over drive them. Obviously, with a 3-inch driver, this is not a speaker for head bangers, but I could easily play them at moderate levels.
and Aesthetics What bewildered me was the absence of spikes to anchor the speaker to the floor. David Maeshiba claims they are not necessary, but I experienced a small improvement in focus when I placed a pair of Symposium Acoustics shelves beneath them. On my wall to wall carpet with a soft pad beneath it, the speakers seemed tippy at first, but after a while, once the carpet compressed beneath their weight they seemed less vulnerable. They were even more stable when placed on the shelves and would probably have about the same stability on a hardwood floor. Being use to much heavier speakers, I probably would feel more secure with spikes and the focus would likely improve a bit as well. Anyone competent with an electric drill should easily be able to retro-fit them if they choose. At only 33 pounds each (17 percent below spec) with a center of gravity about at its midline, it is somewhat vulnerable to being knocked over by clumsy adults or rough-housing children.
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