December 2002

Book Reviews
Building Pro Audio Loudspeaker Enclosures
by Jeffrey A. Forsburg
Sound Recording Advice
For the Home Recording Studio
by John J. Volanski
Review by Steven R. Rochlin
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Here we have two great educational
books i feel are excellent! While
Building Pro Audio Loudspeaker Enclosures
by Jeffrey A. Forsburg will be of interest for those of you DIY folks whole
find joy in designing and building your own loudspeakers, Sound Recording Advice
For the Home Recording Studio by John J. Volanski covers many facets that
concern not just recording studios. This book has good information on various
recording formats (CD, DAT, reel-to-reel, etc.) power distribution, cabling, and
also basic system recommendations and much more. While the system
recommendations are for recording studio owners, the chapters concerning
studio layout and modifying equipment should more than make up for the content
that may not be directly gears towards high-end home audio reproduction.
Furthermore, this book will give a good glimpse to those who are not familiar
with the techniques in capturing and recording sound.
Building Pro Audio
Loudspeaker Enclosures
by Jeffrey A. Forsburg includes a CD-Rom packed with everything from computer
aided design (CAD) loudspeaker (in .dwg format) to audio terminology, conversion
tables and formulas, a list of parts supplies and much more. In my opinion, both
the amateur and semi-pro loudspeaker designer will gain from the knowledge
within this book. Single-ended tube audio lovers will especially fins many of
the projects very useful. Fact is, many pro audio loudspeakers employed at
concerts use horn-loaded designs to achieve both high-sensitive and high output
levels. While no single book, including both mentioned here, should be
considered the end-all be-all, they each represent a solid foundation in their
own realm. Of course in the end what really matters is that you...
Enjoy the Music,
Steven R. Rochlin
Building Pro Audio Loudspeaker Enclosures
Softback, 196 pages, CD-Rom included, $49.95
Grubsrof, Inc.
4558-B Capital Blvd. #175
Raleigh, NC 27604
Voice: (919) 676-8871
Fax: (919) 676-8010
Sound Recording Advice For the Home Recording Studio
Softback, 336 pages, $19.95
Pacific Beach Publishing
ISBN: 0-972138-0-7
P.O. Box 90471-A002
San Diego, CA 92169