Amazing ES103A Super Tweeter
While ultrasonics can't be heard in the conventional sense, such energy can couple directly to
the brain and be perceived. There is in fact scientific evidence (including PET
scans) that demonstrates cerebral blood flow activity in response to ultrasonic
energy. Of course, these findings are irrelevant to music reproduction in the
home since the program material is severely bandwidth limited. For example, the
standard CD format is confined by a 20kHz hard limit. Yet despite the program bandwidth
limitations, in my experience, the higher the tweeter's upper frequency
limit, the faster it sounds. But there is more to it than that. As you will
discover very shortly, a super tweeter's impact can extent well below its
active bandwidth. The ES103A is housed
in an aluminum cylindrical enclosure that is attached to a cast base. It comes
in two flavors, A and B, which account for cosmetic finish differences, and in
addition the B version includes an adapter for mounting the base to a microphone
stand. The tweeter is intended to be placed directly on top of an existing
speaker cabinet, or placed next to the main speaker either using a speaker or
microphone stand. The super tweeter incorporates the required high-pass filter,
so all you have to do is connect it to the amplifier. That may be done by
running wire from the main speaker terminals, or by connecting it directly to
the amplifier output terminals. In either case, be sure to maintain the correct
signal polarity. The super tweeter's short-term power rating is 300 watts, so
it may be safely connected to even high-power amplifiers. The average SPL
rating is 90dB/W/m. In my experience, as long as the main speaker's tweeter
is rated within about ±3dB of the ES103A, the super tweeter should integrate
well with the main system.
Sound There was a time, many years ago, when I viewed the frequency extremes with prejudice, as merely an audiophile obsession with bass and treble. High-fidelity then was being defined and promoted by the industry on the basis of lower distortion and frequency bandwidth. The resultant perception was that a legitimate pathway forward from low toward high fidelity lay in extending a system's frequency extension. This notion gave birth to two new product categories: subwoofers and add-on tweeters. And the rest is history; G-d only know how many such zillions of add-on products have been sold over the years. As my personal priorities had to do with midrange quality and tonal balance, I rejected the zero to daylight bandwidth approach then as nothing more than either an effort to sugar-coat failures in the critical mids or as a doomed attempt to fix bass balance problems. To this day, I still hold a dim view of subwoofers. Tragically, many audio dollars get sucked up in a subwoofer purchase, typically in an attempt to fix a small two-way speaker's bass balance. For various technical reasons, this will not work, the most obvious one being that complaints about bass balance usually have to do with lack of bass in the upper bass region, spanning the octave from 120Hz to 240Hz. And that is a frequency range that is not addressed by the addition of a subwoofer. Ironically, as I have
aged and my own auditory system's high-frequency extension has diminished, my
appreciation of a super tweeter's role in a speaker system has in fact
increased. Take, for example, the Spendor BC1 loudspeaker. Here is a British classic
from the 1970s that in its day was routinely winning magazine-sponsored blind
listening tests, and for years had captivated the hearts of music lovers with
its sweet midrange tone. Its driver complement consisted of a small woofer, a
tweeter, and a super tweeter. I had wondered back then as to why Spendor had
opted for a three-way design where two of the drivers are tweeters. My argument
was that engineering logic dictates that the driver complement for a three-way
should include a midrange driver. Years later, I have come to realize that the
BC1 should be viewed as a two-way design with an added super tweeter. And that
part of its enduring appeal, a critical design factor that elevated its sonics
above the competition, can be traced to the use of the Coles 4001 super tweeter. If Spendor was so successful in its implementation of a super tweeter, then taking the Spendor BC1 lessons-learned knowledge forward, the obvious question becomes: is it possible to improve the sound of a good two or three-way speaker by adding-on a super tweeter? In the case of the muRata ES103A, the answer is a resounding yes! Though the nature of the sonic improvements will surprise you. Given the range of the ES103A's frequency response, from 15kHz to 100kHz, most listeners would merely be looking for added transient speed and treble transparency from their loudspeaker system. And while the upper octaves did gain air and definition with the ES103A in the system, the main benefit turned out to be in the midrange. The music's drama and microdynamics were intensified. Harmonic textures were more vibrant and in focus - as if a giant search light were illuminating the soundstage, resolving more of the color and energy of the musical tapestry. The rhythmic underpinnings of the music flowed with greater flair and conviction. The overall effect was to nudge the sound closer to the essence of the real thing, namely live music. Nick Gowan, of True
Sound, the US distributor, offers the following synopsis, with which I concur:
"Given the name 'Super Tweeters,' many people are misled into thinking
that the addition of this component will repair deficiencies in the
high-frequency range of their systems. The
contribution of the Super Tweeters to a high-end system is a much more pervasive
one. The Super-Tweeters affect all
frequencies, not just the high frequencies. Once the listener stops focusing on
hearing a high-frequency effect, the true nature of the Super-Tweeters is
clearly evident. Music has the
shimmer of life, and everything sounds more intensely ‘real.'
In that sense, the Super-Tweeters do not ‘add' high frequencies.
Whether the music being reproduced is an aria or a symphony, the musical
presence is more substantial and compelling." Gowan also reports that
the super tweeter effect is dependant on the quality of the main speaker system.
A high-resolution speaker is said to offer the greatest scope for improvement,
while speakers lacking in clarity may totally obscure the effect. Thus, the ES103A
should not be viewed as a panacea that may transform a bad speaker into a
superior performer. However, as my listening tests showed, in the context of a
good-sounding system, the muRata super tweeters deliver the goods. My listening
tests involved the BassZilla Platinum Edition and the Samadhi Acoustics Natalia
loudspeakers. In the case of the BassZilla, the ES103A was positioned on top of
the woofer box, adjacent to the open baffle. Despite its somewhat "awkward"
placement, the super tweeter appeared to integrate well with the BassZilla's
driver complement, which includes the Aurum Cantus G2Si ribbon tweeter. I was
very curious to see how the ES103A would perform in the context of speaker whose
frequency response is already extended to 40kHz, and to be honest I had my
doubts. But the proof was in the listening. The upper-octave power response was
changed due to the ES103A's wider dispersion relative to the controlled
dispersion of the ribbon tweeter. The effect was to widen the listening seat
sweet spot. But as I mentioned earlier, what really won me over were the gains
in harmonic vibrancy and the intensified dramatic flair of the midrange. And
this was true for both CD and vinyl playback. W It is important to note
that at no time did the addition of the ES103A super tweeter brighten or etch the
sound. These effects would typically represent tweeter artifacts in the form of
dissonant distortion products or undamped resonances. At the top of my short
list of awful super tweeters are horn-loaded inexpensive piezoelectrics. A
popular modification to the vintage Dahlquist DQ-10 loudspeakers was to
disconnect the piezo tweeters and breath a sigh of relief. Some of the Infinity
speakers of years past also featured a relentless upper-octave balance caused by
a beamy quasi-ribbon tweeter array. Taping over some of the Infinity tweeters
proved to be an effective fix. In contrast, the ES103A was always so well behaved
and pure sounding that it proved to be extremely easy to embrace even after a
prolonged listening session.
Conclusion Warning: the muRata super tweeter effect is addictive and can positively become habit forming. It helps bridge the gap between live and reproduced music. Disconnect the super tweeters, and it feels like someone turned off the lights: the presentation becomes darker and less present; to put it bluntly - boring. Once experienced, it's definitely hard to live without them. Their auditory system impact goes well beyond refining the upper octaves. If your high-end system is ready for a dose of Viagra, be sure to check out the muRata ES103A or its slightly less expensive brother, the ES105. In either case, your listening enjoyment is likely to catapult considerably closer to the live experience.
Specifications Type: Super tweeter Frequency Range: 15kHz to 100kHz (internal mechanical network) Average SPL: 90 dB/W/m Resonant Frequency: 103kHz Rated Impedance: 8 ohms Maximum Continuous Power: 50 W (pink noise) Directivity: on-axis ± 45 degrees Dimensions: 65 mm (diameter) x 110 mm (length) Weight: 1.1 kg (2.4 lb) each Price information:
Company Information Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
United States Distributor: Voice: (408) 370-7578