August 2013

World Premiere!
LKV Research Phono 2-SB Phonostage
An excellent and highly accurate Class A
phonostage with zero loop feedback.
Review By Tom Lyle
The first time I saw the LKV
Research Phono 2-SB phono stage was in an advertisement. I'm not sure what caught my
eye at first, the claims of its superior performance or its cabinet's robust
looking appearance. But next I noticed that this phono preamp was offered for
sale only factory direct with a 30 day in-home trial, at which time one can
either return the component for a refund or keep the unit and enjoy its two year
limited warranty. Obviously, bypassing the retail chain of command and acquiring
it straight from the source rather than a retailer eliminates many stages that
increase the price. It's undeniable that there are advantages to buying from a
retailer, be it either a brick and mortar store or website, but one is going to
pay for the privilege, since everyone deserves to be compensated for their
efforts. The price of the LKV Research 2-SB is $3000, but I figure the Phono 2-SB
would cost as much as $5000 if purchased through a retail outlet. Even at this
price, most experienced audiophiles would consider the Phono 2-SB to be a moderately
but still affordably priced phono preamplifier.
Calling LKV Research a small company is very
appropriate. Besides his wife, who handles the finances, it is run by Bill
Hutchins, who was nice enough to stop by my listening room to help install the
Phono 2-SB into my system. After retiring from his job as an attorney he took his
self-taught electronics hobby to the next level, and is now offering his first
product to the public: the 2-SB phono preamplifier. It is very obvious that he
didn't idle away his spare time while still working at his day job – he
studied electronics, designed, built, listened, tested, modified, and
troubleshot amps, preamps and speakers. While setting up the phono preamp we
discussed its operation and its build, and I discovered that the Phono 2-SB was not
only built with exacting specifications, but by a music lover who intends to
enjoy this component within his personal rig to listen to plenty of records.
LKV Research claims that their Phono 2-SB provides
"state-of-the-art" performance, amplifying and equalizing the small
signal that a phono cartridge produces with very low noise and distortion, and
thus allows the music to display "the meaning and emotion of the music and
contributes to creating a believable soundstage and solid, palpable
images". These promotional claims may like seem standard issue to most who
have read any manufacturer's literature, but LKV backs this up by claiming that
they've achieved this through good design principles and many other important
factors on their website, and I learned many more through my conversations with
the owner of LKV Research. The Phono 2-SB has multiple stages of power supply noise
control using resistor/capacitor filters, capacitance multipliers, and IC
regulators that produce power rails that are smooth and quite. The phono preamp
uses "ultra-low noise" active components such as the JFETS and bipolar
transistors that are in an operating range that is quite and distortion free as
possible. The 2-SB also uses cascode (two-stage) amplification circuits plus
active current sources are said to assure low distortion in each amplification
stage. The 2-SB has a differential (balanced) amplifier circuit to block
incoming noise, and has signal path capacitors that use "accurate"
polypropylene dielectric that LKV Research says passes the musical signal
without smearing. There are four-layer circuit boards that keep the signal path
short and thus improve grounding, and the 2-SB has three grounding options to
ensure that the user experiences as little noise from grounding problems as
Research stresses that dynamic headroom is an important design goal, and is
essential for accommodating the wide dynamic ranges of music without strain or
compression. They accomplish this by using relatively high power rail voltages,
biasing the active devices properly, and carefully adjusting the distribution of
gain among the amplification stages. The 2-SB uses all discrete Class A gain
circuitry with zero loop feedback. To achieve accurate RIAA equalization, the
preamp uses an RIAA filter using precision metal film resistors and
polypropylene capacitors. LKV acknowledges that this accuracy is essential so LP
listeners hear a valid reproduction of what the microphone at the original
performance heard.
The 2-SB is a two-box affair. The smaller of the two cabinets
houses the power supply, which helps tremendously with keeping the 2-SB as
silent as possible because of the distance it creates between the power supply
and sensitive circuits housed in the main unit. The power supply has one of its
ground post located on the rear of the small black shoebox-sized unit. The front
panel has a toggle that switches between the normal ground and a floating
ground. The rear panel of the power supply also contains a fuse holder, the
power switch, a jack for the gray umbilical cord that connects the two units,
and of course an IEC power cord socket.
As not to spend too much money on something that Bill Hutchins
thought didn't affect the phono preamp's sound, the main preamp section is
housed in a rather plain black box measuring a more or less standard 17"
wide by 4" high by 13" deep. The large LKV Research logo is in white
on the upper left hand side, the model number on the lower right. An unobtrusive
yet tasteful single blue LED in the center of the front panel indicated that the
power is on, which I never turned off whenever I had the 2-SB located on the
third shelf of the Arcici Suspense equipment rack. The rear panel of the 2-SB is
laid-out smartly and with enough space between all the receptacles to accept any
cable width I've ever used or could imagine using, and has both unbalanced RCA
and balanced XLR sockets for both the turntable's inputs and the preamp's
output. There is a toggle switch for choosing between the RCA or XLR ins and
outs, a conveniently located ground post, and the input for the DC umbilical
smack is situated dab in the center of the rear panel.
A plethora of loading options is at one's disposal, although
all the switches for these options are located in the interior of the cabinet.
LKV Research assumes that 99% of the time the settings will remain the same for
an extended period of time for 99% of users, so it's perfectly fine that the
settings are made at the factory to each customer's specific cartridge
requirements. In the event of a user wanting to either set or re-set the loading
options, the manual of the 2-SB has detailed instructions, photos, and diagrams
to help set these parameters. In fact, the manual of the LKV Research 2-SB is
one of the best I've ever encountered – with instructions that are easy to
understand, including diagrams and color photos to walk one through any loading
situation one is likely to confront. The gain of the 2-SB can be set to what
equals either 40, 50, or 60 dB when using the balanced outputs, or 38, 44, or 54
dB when using the RCA outputs. The resistance loading options are broad, and
there are six positions that can be set, ranging from 50 ohms all the way to
47.5 kOhms. Bill Hutchins opened the cabinet before we placed the unit on the
shelf, and since I use the Moving Coil (MC) Lyra Kleos the gain was set to 60
dB, and was loaded to 100 Ohms. This seemed to bring out the best in the
cartridge, and did not stray too far from its intrinsic character that I was
accustomed to before the 2-SB arrived in the system.
I suppose there may be some readers who are not
familiar with the system in my main listening room. A Lyra Kleos cartridge is
mounted on a Tri-Planar 6 tonearm, one of the last that Herb Papier manufactured
before selling the company in the early 2000's. The Tri-Planer is fixed upon a
Basis Debut V turntable, which originally was a Gold model before Basis' A.J.
Conti spent about six month upgrading it to its current state, which includes
not only a brand new AC motor system but his Revolution belt, which is
manufactured in-house to a consistent thickness with an accuracy of
one-thousandth of an inch. The turntable's AC cable, usually an MIT, is
connected to a PS Audio Power Plant AC regenerator which provides the
turntable's motor with a perfect sine wave with a frequency of 60 Hz, or 81 Hz
when playing 45 rpm records. The PS Audio accomplishes this by converting the
wall's polluted AC to DC via a power amplifier, and then converts the DC back to
pure AC signal. The PS Audio unit is in turn connected with an Audio Arts power
cable to one of two dedicated power lines.
The tonearm's internal cable is made by Discovery, and rather
than using a terminal box the cable continues for 1.5 meters and is terminated
with Cardas gold-plated RCA jacks. These jacks were connected to the LKV
Research 2-SB phono preamp's unbalanced inputs. The 2-SB's unbalanced XLR
outputs fed either Audio Art IC-35SE or MIT Shotgun S3.3 interconnects, which
made their way to a Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) preamp, which was connected
with the same choice of balanced interconnects used above to a Pass Labs X350.5
power amp. The amp was connected using Audio Arts or MIT cable to Sound Lab
DynaStat hybrid electrostatic speakers augmented by a Velodyne HGS-15b
subwoofer. The phono preamp and the preamplifier's power cables were connected
to a more powerful PS Audio Power Plant than the unit used for the turntable,
and the subwoofer and speaker's power cables were connected to a Chang
Lightspeed ISO 9300 power conditioner. The two dedicated 20 ampere lines use
Virtual Dynamic wall receptacles, and the room has Echobuster acoustic treatment
panels on the rear wall, side walls, and behind the listening position. LP
shelves as well as the wall-to-wall industrial carpeting aid further in
dampening the room. The CD shelves probably do more harm than good, in a number
of ways.
The first thing I noticed after powering up the LKV
Research 2-SB was its silent background. The audiophile routine of putting one's
ears to the speaker's grill when no program material was being played revealed
only a slight hiss, which may or may not have been through the other components
in the listening chain. The BAT VK-3iX linestage I use is a tube unit, so one
would assume that there would be at least some background noise produced by the
vacuum tubes that supply its gain, though BAT components have a notoriously low
noise floor. The 2-SB's silent background, of course, added to the perceived
dynamism of the musical material that passed through its circuits, even though
the surface noise of even the best records in my collection ended up being
louder than any noise coming from the phono preamp. Of course the same thing
could be said for the tape hiss that is evident on many of them. There are some
listeners that may be bothered by this tape hiss from older recordings, such as
the RCA Living Stereos, and even more so for most of my Mercury Living Presence
records, but not me – I guess my brain finds it reassuring that I'm hearing as
close a copy to of the master tape as I'm likely to hear in my lifetime.
Speaking of Living Stereo LPs, after Mr. Hutchins set
up the 2-SB one of the first discs we spun was side two of the Classic Records
re-issue of the Mussorgsky/Ravel Pictures At An
Exhibition. A few minutes into the side, I suppose it would be the
second movement The Catacombs (Roman
sepulcher), where the piece gets noticeably more dramatic, the entire
orchestra bursts forth into this scherzo with tremendous ferocity. We played
this record more as a test to see if everything was working properly, such as
whether the right and left channels were hooked up correctly, and that there
were no ground loops, etc. Although Bill was centered in the sweet spot and I
was off to the side, we were both quite impressed by the overall sound,
especially the power that was transferred to the speakers, but also that this
was one heck of a test record. I played it again a few days later from start to
finish when I thought everything was settled in, marveling at how this phono
preamplifier was aiding the system to reproduce so many cues of the "real
music in a real space" truism. The bass reached as low as my speakers would
allow, the midrange was extremely transparent, and the highs were sparkling,
crystalline, and reached as high as my speakers and again, as my hearing would
allow. At this early stage I thought that the 2-SB could easily hold its own
with the best reasonably priced solid-state phono preamps available, as well as
some phono preamps that were more than reasonably priced.
the greatest strength of the 2-SB, was that after a very short time I realized
that any positive comments I have about this phono preamp were also the same
positive comments I had in regards to the music or the recordings themselves.
The 2-SB did possess some traits that varied a bit from my reference Pass Labs
XP-15, one of the finest solid-state phono preamps anywhere its price class I've
ever had the pleasure of hearing. But still, the LKV Research could stand on its
own, without comparison to others because it possessed so many traits that make
a good phono preamp, period. So back to the Fritz Reiner conducted Pictures
with his Chicago forces. This piece of music, and this recorded performance in
particular, is a wonderful showpiece that still holds up, despite the fact that
I've listened to it countless times. Some might erroneously call this piece of
music a warhorse, as some may forget that there is be a reason why a composition
ends up labeled as such in the first place – that listeners want to hear it
again and again because it is worth
hearing again and again.
Of course some might want to picture (sorry) in their mind
each painting that is being musically depicted, but this is hardly necessary. In
fact, when I was younger I was not aware, nor did I really care about what it
"meant". When having the pleasure of listening to this excellent
pressing through the 2-SB I was extremely impressed by not only the way it could
take each instrument or group of instruments and separate them from the whole,
but also how at the same time it could take these sounds and integrate them into
the whole – like in real life when listening to a large ensemble – one's
attention is drawn to a single instrument or section when a theme demands it,
then the mind might wander back to the orchestra's powerful sound, then back to
a solo or section of instruments. I've made this observation with other
equipment in other reviews, but this is only because regardless of the type of
high-end gear this should be a trait of all audio equipment that attains to be
the highest of the high-end – the ability to not only reproduce instruments
with the utmost in realism, but to transport us to the music's meaning, and at
the same time rendering an exact reproduction of the master tape as possible.
I usually don't need an excuse to listen to Kraftwerk's The
Mix. Nevertheless, it is a great album not only to assess a piece of
gear's ability to deal with its expansive frequency extremes, but traits such as
transient response, soundstage, dynamics, and a components overall rhythm and
pace. "But wait a minute", you might ask, "Isn't The
Mix a CD?" Well, yes... this is true, but I was keen enough to
notice the smaller number of LPs for sale when it was first released in those
dark days of digital, 1991 to be exact. I nabbed a copy of the double-LP that
was pressed in the EU. The lyrics on the record are sung in German, but as I'm
so familiar with all the tunes on this re-recorded hits album it's hardly a
deterrent to enjoying this album to the fullest. OK, this album won't test a
components ability to sound "lifelike", but that's obviously not the
point. Listening to the decay of the reverb with a hint of repeating echo on the
mutated robo-voice in the beginning of "Radioactivity", the decay
seemed to go on forever, demonstrated that the 2-SB phono preamp is a champ at
retrieving not only low-level information, but can effortlessly draw one into
the program material at the same time. Once we get to the verse of the tune the
four-on-the-floor beat is shrewdly mangled even further with the addition of the
gated-reverb'ed snare and other electronic percussion bits, and although none of
it got lost through the 2-SB, most listener's brains will be the only thing
being fooled into interpreting this as a simple beat played under a simple
The 2-SB clearly reproduces the famous ten note melody on the
high-pitched synth, while the call and response of the
"No-Radioactivity!" robo-voice and Ralf Hutter singing the tunes
lyrics becomes a toe-tapping distraction to their anti-nuke message. The synths
on this tune can challenge the entire stereo-system, from the tip of the stylus
to the acoustics of the listening room with their extremes of frequency – from
the synthetic sub-bass foundation to the twinkly, spatial, über-treble
electronic percussion overtones. The 2-SB passed this test with flying colors,
mainly by making itself invisible. This phono preamp seems to pass the
information it receives to the next step in the audio chain while providing the
necessary RIAA curve and adequate gain while, most importantly, preserving the
emotional message of the music and the recording engineer's intentions.
Fritz Reiner, the CSO, and Kraftwerk gauging whether the LKV Research can deal
with extremes of not only frequency, but just about anything else, it was time
to calm down a bit and spin a string quartet album. I've been again listening to
a relatively early recording of two Martin Bresnick string quartets on CRI
recorded in 1985, my current favorite of the two on side one, his String Quartet No. 2 "Bacephalus" Despite the
erudite parable he ties to the work, I have always loved this record. And since
Bresnick dedicate it to one of his teachers, Gyorgy Ligeti, who is also one of
my favorite post-war composers I suppose that is one of the reasons I can easily
overlook his pedantry (not to mention the fact that Bresnick is still on the
staff of Yale). Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned Ligeti, as one might expect
this quartet to be ultra-contemporary. It isn't, although it is written in
modern language, it is for the most part tonal, mixing some Romantic as well as
minimalist technique into a style that ends up being his own. The 2-SB takes us
into Sprague Hall on the campus of Yale where the Alexandria Quartet seems very
familiar with this work. The quality of the pressing isn't the best in the
world; there are audible ticks and pops here and there, and a light rush of
surface noise. Was this noise relegated to a separate compartment in the
soundstage the responsibility of the LKV Research phono stage, the turntable,
cartridge, tonearm, or a combination of all of them? I may never know. But I did
feel that it was the phono stage that made the instruments sound like they were
played by human beings, my mind's ear imagining the quartet sitting in a
semi-circle subconsciously shifting and moving to the music of the five movement
work. The viola was just a bit more forward in the mix than the other
instruments, allowing its rosiny sound to resound through the empty hall more
than the others, especially during the crescendo of the first movement.
The LKV Research Phono 2-SB makes its wonderful sound
possible by boosting the delicate signal that comes forth from the phono
cartridge, accurately equalizing this signal with its RIAA filter, and using the
best components in the balanced circuits that ultimately are sent to its output.
Sounds simple? Well, there are plenty of other phono preamps on the market that
can achieve this. And although the number of phono preamplifiers that are
available that can achieve this with such a high level of musicality are
relatively large compared to only a decade or so ago, it still takes a more than
a good engineer to accomplish this – it takes someone with a good ear and the
patience to perfect it. The LKV Research fits these requirements.
also takes a clever audiophile to realize what phono preamp will match the rest
of his or her system. Compared to my reference Pass Labs, the Phono 2-SB has a
slightly more detailed sound. I wouldn't call it overly analytical, but the rest
of my system, especially my speakers, tend to lean this way and this may be why
I'm so happy using a tubed linestage, and a phono preamp that has been compared
by some to have a sound that is similar to some tubed phono stages. Despite
this, the overall sound and flexibility of the LKV Research makes it one of the
best phono preamplifiers I've ever had the pleasure of using in my system. I
could imagine owner Bill Hutchins having to deal with backorders in the near
future, because when word gets out that he is selling such a great product for
such a reasonable price, the LKV Research is likely to become a very popular
product... and for good reason! I highly recommend ordering one of these babies
now, before everyone else gets the same idea.