April 2005 Review By Dick Olsher
The technical innovation at the heart of the DAC1 has been dubbed UltraLock™ conversion. Time base jitter accumulates as a digital signal propagates along a cable and from one digital device to another. Theoretically, this so called interface jitter need not affect the conversion process if the signal is properly re-clocked. Most converters use a single-stage Phase Lock Loop (PLL), and premium designs deploy a two-stage PLL. The UltraLock™ converter is said to exceed the jitter reduction performance of even two-stage PLL converters and to provide 100% immunity to interface jitter under all operating conditions. What that means to you and I in plain terms is that an inexpensive CD transport may be used to feed the DAC1. For most of my listening tests I used the AH! Super Tjoeb CD player's digital output.
I will not bore you with a description of the unit's additional features, and would rather encourage you to visit the manufacturer's web site for more detail, including access to the User's Manual.
The Sound The DAC1's most remarkable sonic attribute is the absence of nasty digital artifacts, collectively categorized in my lexicon as "digititis." Almost all inexpensive DACs and CD players in recent memory have exhibited the sort of bright, somewhat edgy harmonic palette, that you never experience in live music. That's probably why mass market CD players are most adept at reproducing multi-mic studio recordings, which by definition are glazed with a layer of EQ and artificial reverb, and do a poor job with natural concert-hall recordings. In contrast, the DAC1's upper octaves are smooth and free of glare. It will blend in seamlessly into a system whose tonal balance is already emphasized in the treble. The odds are high that you are currently listening to an inexpensive dome tweeter; take my word for it, you'd be lucky to find anything more inspiring that a $10 tweeter in speakers costing upward of $3K. The point being that for many listeners the DAC1 will offer welcome relief from the indigestion and ear-burn caused by coarse and hot-sounding CD players. The flip side of integrating a smooth, neutrally balanced, component such as the DAC1 into an existing system, is that its naturalness may be initially mistaken for lack of drive or emotional involvement. There may be a learning curve involved in appreciating the DAC1's musical qualities. Kick back and savor its exceptional resolution of low-level detail or the clarity with which it paints instrumental outlines. Transients are launched with the speed of a photon torpedo and plunge down to the depth of the recording's noise floor. Reproduction of bass lines is tuneful with excellent pitch precision. In this respect, the DAC1 runs circles around the AH! Super Tjoeb I have had on hand as a reference in the under $2K price range. And after an extended listening session, you are bound to realize that listening fatigue is not an issue with this DAC. It has the ability to involve you in the music's sweet caress without overloading the auditory system. With the DAC1 and a good tube preamplifier in the signal path, you will find yourself spending more time re-discovering your CD collection.
Conclusion The DAC1 defines digital playback that is exceedingly listenable with pop, jazz or classical music. Free from tonal balance distortions, it offers welcome relief from digital "heart burn" and eliminates the need for an exotic or expensive transport. Its well-defined bass range is another strong plus. It may be connected directly to an amplifier, though my preference is to use it as a conventional DAC in conjunction with a good tube preamplifier. The Benchmark Media Systems DAC1 does in fact set a performance benchmark, that in my experience, is unequalled at even three times its asking price. A genuine bargain and a Godsend for music lovers.
Specifications Type: Digital to analog converter Digital Inputs: XLR, Coaxial, and TOSlink Input Sample Frequency Range: 28kHz to 195kHz Maximum Input Word Length: 24 bits Digital Input Impedance on XLR Input: 110 ohms Digital Input Impedance on Coaxial Input: 75 ohms or Hi-Z (Bridging) Dimensions: 9.33 x 9.5 x 1.725 (DxWxH in inches) Weight: 3.5 lbs. Price: $975 (direct from the manufacturer)
Company Information Benchmark Media Systems, Inc. Voice: (315) 437-6300 |