February 2013

ADAM Audio A7X Powered Monitor Speaker
A paltry $699 gets you magnificently extended highs, great mids and precise bass all within a small self-amplified PnP package.
Review By Steven R. Rochlin
My love affair with the ADAM
Audio speakers began during a trip to the Munich High-End show about 7 years
ago. One look at
their speakers and you know there is something very exceptional happening here.
Cutting right to the chase within the very beginning of my
ADAM Audio A5 powered monitor review I wrote, "The ADAM A5 is not
an audiophile loudspeaker. Now before you died-in-the-wool audiophile-types stop
reading, in perhaps a massive error
of quick judgment, the ADAM A5 recording studio monitor is so good that every
audiophile should go right out and hear these amazing units". Sure that was a
bold statement back in 2008, yet the A5 had remained my reference for the
Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) and small monitor verification. This is normal
as mastering engineers use not just their large floorstanding reference
speakers, they also
switch to small desktop monitors to verify the sound ‘scales’ well to
smaller systems.
So what does a true studio-quality
powered reference monitor have to do with audiophiles?
Hmm, that last sentence is a bit, well, brave
perhaps. It brings up connotations of audiophiles wanting Sound X with
single-ended tube amplifications and nice bottle of red wine whereas sound engineers
want Sound Y and a big mastering desk with both physical knobs and touch screen
at their fingertips. Fortunately for us music lovers, today the chasm between
these two are now virtually nonexistent if one so chooses. And this is where the ADAM A7X
powered monitor comes into play.
During the RMAF about two years ago I was
chatting with fellow reviewer extraordinaire Steven Stone about my love for the
ADAM Audio A5 speakers. He said to try the ADAM 7 series as they really are
wonderful. Well, that was around two years ago and recently my much-loved ADAM A5s
kinda, well, you see it was kinda like this.... The speakers took a nosedive off
the platform they sit upon and went bang
onto the floor. Long story short, I bumped the main table quite hard and, thus,
the platform wobbled and you guessed it, the speakers went flying! To my
astonishment they still work, but it did make me realize, ummm, didn’t Steven
Stone tell me the 7 series are better than these now beat up old A5s? Hey, give
us reviewers any excuse to upgrade
and.... C’mon, admit it. You’d be thinking the same
thing too if you were me.
My fiancé, soon to be wife on
Valentine’s Day, said "Well Steven, those speakers are a bit precariously
balanced on that platform". She then continued by saying "You know you wanted
new speakers" and then kissed me followed by a big smile and giggle. Yes dear,
you’re right dear, anything you say dear. Hey, can I pick ‘em or what!?!?!?
ADAM Audio A7X Amplified
Let's look at the technical details of these jewels shall we. (Said in my best New
Jersey voice) Hey, yous got your 7" all fancy carbon/Rohacell/glass fiber driver
for mids and bass ova here, and we got da sexy X-ART with 4 inch diaphragm
tweeter ova
there. Power is everything yous know, so ADAM Audio gives you 100 W for
just the 7-inch’a and 50 W for the sexy yellow tweeter. Of course you know us Wise
Guys want more than just power, we want control too. So look here,
ADAM Audio gave us three adjustment knobs and stuff to tailor the sound. You
know, so it sounds good and stuff like that. Oh, and for you pros guys, on da
back is both RCA jack for your normal, but us special Wise Guys use the XLR
balanced input cuz we are professionals in dis.
Eh hem, getting back to my serious ‘audiophile
voice’, the long story short here is that your $699 get truly high quality
components. So what about that new, upgraded X-ART tweeter you ask. According to the
company, "The changes made to the A5X and the A7X are not simply developments
but a fundamental revision of the A-Series. ADAM Audio took all aspects of the
performance of the original A-Series and overhauled and improved them. One of
the main improvements is… the X-ART tweeter, now replaces the ART tweeter in
the new AX versions. The X-ART tweeter features an even higher efficiency and
maximum sound pressure level as well as a frequency response up to 50 kHz. All
woofers and amplifiers have also been reengineered from scratch, featuring
larger voice-coils and amps with twice the power for higher linear excursions
and more output. Last but not least, the cabinets have been redesigned; all
models sport two bass reflex ports." On the front lower plate of the speaker is a simple On/Off
power switch rocker and volume adjustment knob. Of course there is more, yet their website
is highly detailed and no use in wasting more of your time on the finer
technical aspects
here. My fave Kimber Kable Select all silver RCA cables were used from the
FrankenDAC to the A7X. And before someone points out the obvious, yes the cables
are nearly the same price as the speakers. The ADAM Audio speakers deserve these
cables, yet am sure lower cost copper cables would work too, though perhaps not
as well as these all-silver Kimber Kable gems.
Sensational Sound
ADAM Audio A7X here are setup so that they are 33" from the corresponding ear,
with ear level being precisely between the tweeter and woofer. As for the rear
adjustments, the High Shelf remained at stock setting of 0dB, Low Shelf is about
and Tweeter Level also was set to about +1dB. So for the record yes
Steven Stone you were right, the A7X is better than the A5, as it naturally
should be of course. You get newer technology, better cabinet design, improved drivers,
etc. At the heart of it all is the further extended bass due to the use of a 7"
woofer versus 5". Not that the A5's smaller 5" driver was a slouch mind you, it is just that ADAM
Audio believes in accuracy versus the LS3/5’s fake bass. Thus the A7X really gives
you a nice, full-sounding midbass and goes deep into the bass until about 50Hz.
Instead of giving fake LS3/5 bass (read: distortion), the A7X output level
ability decreases as the music’s signal go below 50 Hz. This is typical and
normal driver/design speaker rolloff. Midrange is very
refined, detailed, yet never fatiguing. As for the high, wow! These X-ART tweeter
take the original design in the A5 to a new level! If you have not heard how
great a tweeter like the X-ART can sound, you really need to wrap your ears on
one ASAP. Fast, exceptionally extended, and clean, clean, clean.
Imaging you ask? Outstanding! Unlike most
traditional setups, I find that angling the speakers outward (toe out) works
better than toe-in. It is a personal preference and if you have nearfield
monitors you really should try it and see how the soundstage really opens up
tremendously. Given the proper music material, what I hear is gloriously big,
deep and wide sound. Being nearfield monitors, it is that ‘reach out and touch
as one immerses themselves in all its glory’ variety. Magnificent!
ADAM Audio A7X delivers on the promise of not just highly accurate sound, it
also plays music without fatigue hour after hour. The A7X have been playing here for at least 6, and upwards
of 12 hours per day almost every day! In fact am listening to them right now as I type
this, as they are my office speakers and thus had better be ‘all day
listenable’ and produce zero aural fatigue. Am sure the outstanding X-ART
tweeter has much to do with that. As I wrote earlier, if you have not done so
you really owe it to yourself to hear these impressive tweeters. In Rick
Jensen’s review of the ADAM Audio Columns Mk. 3 floorstanders, which
uses the same tweeter, Rick says "The Columns are startlingly transparent
speakers, with a speed that is unusual for a unit that is mostly dynamic – the
big exception being that X-ART tweeter. They caused me to recalibrate my idea of
what sounds right. I still believe that, compared to speakers costing much more,
the Columns in passive form give up the last ounce of bass extension. At their
price of $7000, they are a bargain due to representing a window on
"truth" in reproduced sound that is usually reserved to all-out
assaults on the state of the art at far higher pricing."
Same thing with the A7X
yet in a small monitor instead of floorstander. Without a doubt the Adam A7X are
the best powered monitors I have heard for under $1000 each. At only $699, the
A7X with its impressive X-ART tweeter, specialized mid-woofer and amplification
plus adjustability and balanced input are easily a real-world PnP bargain!
Type: Amplified two-way studio monitor
Frequency response: 42 Hz - 50 kHz
Tweeter: X-ART with diaphragm of 4 inches
Mid-Woofer: 7" carbon/Rohacell/glass fiber cone
Built-In Amplifiers: Tweeter = 50 W / 75 W peak; Woofer 100 W / 150 W peak
Input: Analog balanced XLR or unbalanced RCA
Front Volume Adjustment: -0 to +14 dB
Rear Control Panel
High shelve > 5 kHz (±6 dB)
Low shelve < 300 Hz (±6 dB)
Tweeter gain: ±4 dB
Crossover Frequencies: 2500 Hz
THD: 90dB/1m > 100 Hz: ≤0.5 %
Long Term Output: ≥106 dB
Maximum Peak: ≥: 114 dB
Input impedance: 30 kOhm
Weight: 20.3 lbs.
Magnetically shielded: No
Dimensions: 13.5" x 8" x 11" (HxWxD)
Warranty: 5 Years
Price: $699 each
Company Information
ADAM Audio GmbH
Ederstr. 16
D-12059 Berlin
Voice: +49-30 / 86 30 097 - 0
Fax: +49-30 / 86 30 097 - 7
E-mail: Info@Adam-Audio.de
Website: www.Adam-Audio.com
United States Distributor
Roger Fortier
Voice: (516) 681-0690