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Your V.I.P. Pass

Your Media/Photo Pass!
(You are suddenly confronted by a security guard and he sez) Do you have
your V.I.P. pass? Where's your media/photo pass? (As you break out your I.D. and proper
passes you hear the REALLY BIG security dude say) You have shown me
proper identification and authorization to continue forward. Please enter into... the
Funk Zone.
George Clinton sez:

And that's exactly what he did in Gainesville, Florida on October 6th.
George Clinton and the almighty P-Funk All Stars descended down upon the Alachua Music
Harvest. For those not familiar, the Harvest is three days of partying with over fifty
bands performing on two different stages. Dudettes and dudes from all over were camping,
drinking, and dancing while some of the most slammatocious tunes were jammin'!!! So i
scraped my lazy butt off the couch and grabbed my laptop and digital camera and flew inta
the scene. With www and e-mail abilities at my fingertips, my feelings were to share these
festivities with everyone. The road sign up ahead said Gainesville, but little did i know
i was about to enter into "The Funk Zone".

And Then All H&LL Broke Loose...
The scene was insane!!! The main stage collapsed just two bands before
Clinton's show and the Harvest crew pulled off a miraculous miracle. After
cleaning out the inside facility on the fairgrounds, the crew constructed a stage big
enough for Clinton's large on-tour-rage. This includes all the necessary stuff like
electrical power supplies, the sound system, mix board and security. Can ya believe they
did all this and more in a matter of two hours?!?!?! Being a musician myself, i wouldn't
have believed it unless i saw it with my own two eyes 8-{)+ . The crew of the Harvest, who
volunteer their time for free, deserve a HUGE debit of gratitude from
Clinton fans all around the world. As the sayin' goes, "The show must go on."
And that it did!!!
With the stage set, the "Mothership" landed and the music began
to play. George Clinton and the P-Funk All stars really know how to party! Over
three hours of nonstop Funkadelic music was heard by thousands of their faithful fans.
Yes, there was music in the air. Hits like Flashlight, One Nation Under a
Groove, Freak of the Week, etc. filled the funkatocious night with musical delight! As Dr.
Funkenstein (George Clinton) took center stage the crowd went WiLd.
Most bands have about four members. Some have up to six. Not Dr.
Funkenstein, he's got over THIRTY ONE!!! With all these cool dudettes/dudes on stage, ya
just never know what to expect. For it's all for bringin' the joy of music, funk style,
that keeps packin' in the loyal followers. These followers may be five years old, or even
fifty, though we want the funk. Gotta have that funk! And after over three hours of
preachin' the word of funk to his loyal followers, even the newfound funkaholics get
addicted to it's never ending rhyme and rhythm.
For when the party was over, my life was changed for the better. Got outta
my funk and into the funk! P. Funk to be exact! So if you hear that the
Mothership will be descending at a stage near you, may i humbly suggest you run, don't
walk, and scarf up the slammatocious tunes brought forth by George (Dr.
Clinton and the P. Funk All Stars. Many thanks go out to Constance of C Zine and all those
who gave me assistance with the proper passes and for bringin' me outta the doldrums i've
been in. (Said like a musician at the end of a show) Thank you! Goodnight everybody!
Please click here for more pictures of the show.
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