Mobile Fidelity OML-1 Loudspeaker
Brian Bloom

took place over a 4 week period. I ran the speakers with movie and music
sound in a two-channel configuration. The loudspeakers come with small metal
cones or rubber feet that can be stuck onto the bottom of the speakers. I
didn't use either and chose to put the speakers on stands. The speakers are
solid and the binding posts on the back are very impressive. I left the
shorting bars for bi-wiring in place during the review. I used speaker wire
with both spade and banana connectors with no trouble.
Right out of the box the loudspeaker design looked familiar although the
representative from Mobile Fidelity assured me that the drivers, crossover,
and cabinet were tweaked/designed specifically for their purposes. The
original design was intended for use as a monitor in their mastering room.
Apparently, they felt the design was so good that it should be marketed to
the end-user. When I showed the speakers to an audiophile buddy he said,
"Hey, those look like the Von Schweikerts!" I happened to have a
chance to check out a set of VR-1s and there were definitely some
similarities. The bass driver looks almost identical and the tweeter looks
similiar except for four extra screws. The cabinet height and width are
identical and the port in the back is not only the same shape and size, but
in the same location in the cabinet. They are also both manufactured in
China. The one obvious physical difference is that the OML-1 has a larger
angled front baffle. And later, I found out the second big difference...the
Listening Test I -- OML-1 vs. VR-1
Since I had access to the VR-1 and the designs seemed to be superficially similar,
I thought I might as well make some listening comparisons. I began with
track 4, "Santa Monica," from Everclear's Sparkle and Fade. A
friend and I did most of the listening together and he helped to switch
speaker cables back and forth for me and I for him. The VR-1 produced more
sibilance on the voice and sounded slightly nasal and congested in the
midrange. There appeared to be less definition and air overall. There was an
added richness to the guitars that was pleasing, however. The OML-1's did
not have as much power on the accompanying guitars, but the lead guitar
clearly sounded better than on the VR-1. The voice was dead center and very
clean. I felt I was missing a little low end and with music with prodigious
amounts of deep bass (or in large rooms), I would recommend the addition of
a subwoofer. Mid- and upper-bass sounded fine, and even at higher levels I
didn't hear any strange distortions in the bass region. Due to the fact that
the voice sounded less colored and the sense of space and air was better on
the OML-1, the slight added richness was not enough of a reason to prefer
the VR-1.
The next track I listened to was "Infatuation," track 6, off of
Christina Aguilera's Stripped CD. The VR-1's were slightly shouty in the
voice, and there appeared to be an emphasis in the midrange on this track
just like the first. The bass was not as well defined as with the Mobile
Fidelity speakers and the presentation was not nearly as open sounding. The
OML-1's had better imaging, voice was more natural, and there was a feeling
that more information was being retrieved from the recording. This track
clearly demonstrated the superiority of the OML-1's, and at this point I
realized I would have to look for a more worthy contender.
Listening Test II -- OML-1 vs. 705
Bowers and Wilkins have always had a fine reputation and have produced many
good monitor (i.e. smaller-sized) speakers. The 705's are the newest model
in the series that used to be called CDM. They are more expensive than the
OML-1 in the black finish, but are equivalent in price when the OML-1 is
purchased in the gloss walnut. Right away I was encouraged by how close in
many ways the speakers both sounded.
I put on track 6, "Rudy," from my MFSL recording of Supertramp's
Crime of the Century. The B&W speaker has a larger cabinet, and this
resulted in slightly improved low-bass performance. There was an added
richness in the midrange imparted by the speaker that sweetened the sound in
this area in a pleasing way. In fact, the whole frequency range sounded a
little richer and smoother. I wouldn't say it is veiled, but in some ways
softened perhaps. I was surprised when I switched to the OML-1's. I was
expecting a much larger difference than I heard. Vocals on the Mobile
Fidelity speakers were crystal clear--glassy. At higher levels there was a
very slight strain on the speakers than seemed to reduce their presence. By
comparison, when the B&W's got louder, they just got loud. The bass on
the OML-1 was very impressive given its size.
I listened to two different tracks from Atlantic Jazz: Best Of The '60s,
Volume 1. The first one was Les McCann singing and playing piano on
"With These Hands." The second one was "Equinox" by John
Coltrane. The OML-1's were slightly laid back in comparison to a slightly
more upfront sound produced by the 705's. In my notes I wrote that there was
less added to the voice when listening through the OML-1's, but this made
the speaker less involving. The piano in certain parts of the record
(although somewhat badly recorded) came across more clearly with the 705's.
Image size was a bit smaller than with the B&W's. The sound was not
emphasized, however the cymbals (for some reason) did not sound as
convincing as with the 705's. With the 705 there was a feeling of softened
high frequencies, but voice was richer and fuller. An extra bit of presence
and larger soundstage made the sound seemed less confined.
I switched over to classical music and put on a Deutsche Grammophon
recording of Brahms, Ein Deutsches Requiem op. 45. I did most of the
listening with the first track. The OML-1's produced a sound that was
controlled and polite, almost like what you expect from a typical British
mini-monitor--very delicate and clean. There was a good sense of space. The
B&W 705 did NOT sound like a typical British mini-monitor and sounded
big and bold. At the same time, tonally, the speaker reminded me of a warm
blanket, the choral group comes in and comforts and warms you.
With part II, "Forlane" from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Ravel off a
London CD I noted that the OML-1's did not deliver as rich a presentation as
the 705's, but my notes read: "Totally believable." Some listeners
may prefer a sweeter sound, but the design of the Mobile Fidelity OML-1 is
clearly not to emphasize or de-emphasize any particular range of sound.
Similiarly, on track 3, "Whenever I Say Your Name," from Sting's
Sacred Love CD I felt the OML-1's were not as lush as the B&W's, and a
little dryer on the vocals. The percussion on this track sounded
exceptionally clean with the Mobile Fidelity speakers.
In many ways the OML-1 represents a bargain. It stood head to head with a
more expensive speaker in many aspects of performance. Mobile Fidelity has
accomplished exactly what they were after--an accurate reproducer that does
not unduly color the sound. So, sure enough, it works extremely well as a
small monitor speaker, and will also find a happy home for people who value
accuracy and trueness of sound. For those looking for a little boost here, a
little cut there, you will need to look elsewhere or depend on upstream
electronics to affect that change.
Associated Equipment
Musical Fidelity A308 Integrated Amplifier and A308 CD player,
Audioquest cables, Lovan Affiniti 24 and Premier SS-26 stands; Bowers &
Wilkins 705 loudspeakers ($1,500) and Von Schweikert VR-1 loudspeakers
($1,000) for comparison.