Audio Gold For Lucky Men: MY 25 Hi-Fi Malaysia Group
A prosperous two day trip to Kuala Lumpur brings an earful of delights worth millions of dollars.

Engineering Satisfying Sound
Getting the best from Wilson Audio Maxx
3 speakers.
Within the humble home of electrical engineer W.Y. Wong is a
system built with Wilson Audio Maxx 3 floorstanders connected via JPS Labs
cables to a homebrew copy of the TAD M300 solid-state amplifier. The front end
is a dCS Puccini DAC and this seems to be the typical American, and perhaps
politically-correct, system in some ways. Whilst the room was narrow and deep.
The imaging is very solid and tightly defined, with good transient speed and
definition. The front soundstage was nicely even rear corner right to rear
corner left and all-between. Color me impressed with the very relaxed sound,
or it could be all the traveling and lunch was catching up to me. Alas, the
system still suffered by that Wilson mid-to-upper midrange slight rise yet so
far this is the best taming of this widely-known anomaly from the Wilson Audio
speakers I have heard to date. Of course the soundstage is like being front
row where you're looking upward at the stage, which is probably due to the
midrange-tweeter-midrange configuration height. Music had a wonderful sound,
perhaps the best I've heard of the Wilson's to date actually as at shows they
don't really seem to do this well as far as I can remember in all my years
hearing nearly every model. This perhaps proves that shows are not the end-all
be-all for auditioning equipment. It also makes me wish there were more
tightly-knit audio communities so friends could share this system with others
as the wonderful men here in Kuala Lumpur do. Again, this is by far the best I
have ever heard from the Wilson Audio line of speakers and am impressed with
what Mr. Wong has accomplished.
Owner: W.Y. Wong
CD Media player: dCS Puccini
Preamplifier: dCS Puccini pre out.
Power Amp: DIY TAD 300W
Speaker: Wilson Maxx 3
Cable: JPS Labs
Power Cable: Cadas and PS Audio
Conditioner: NWAD 8Kva 5 in 1 and Audio prism line conditioner
Room size: 10'W x 8.5'H x 20'L

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