Capital AudioFest Chronicles 2022
3rd Floor Meeting Rooms, Atrium, Plus
The Best Rooms At CAF 2022!
CAF 2022 Show Report By Rick Becker

Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC
Off in the corner was the Association for Recorded
Sound Collections, an interesting group based in the Washington, DC area. It was
all I could do, but bite my tongue to keep from telling the gentleman how many
LPs I have. Had he known, he never would have let me get away. But DC is a long
commute for me.

Wally Tools
J.R. Boisclair was manning his Wally Tools table, going one-on-one with
interested folks. It's amazing how he keeps coming up with more tools as well
as refining older ones. His Wallyscope v2 camera/microscope contraption is
fascinating. There should be one in the tool rental department of every Home
Depot in America. Turntable set-up is becoming an art that requires a very
specialized engineering degree. Walking by his table makes me feel like such a
novice. It's embarrassing.
J.R. is becoming quite the road warrior with WAM Engineering
going on the road to Houston, San Antonio, and Boston, offering clinics at
dealers or audio clubs as well as booking private turntable optimization in the
immediate area in those cities.

Just Audio
The guys at Just Audio stopped me in my tracks with this stack of vintage
Pioneer separates. How I used to lust over this stuff when I was a young dude.
And today there is a whole cult of enthusiasts with the skill to rehab and tweak
this old gear to the max. I remember visiting Todd Kuban of AmCan Audio in
Chicago and being blown away by his restored vintage rig. The prices here at
Just Audio were not cheap, indicative of the collector value of the coveted

This Kenwood AM/FM stereo receiver was in near-mint condition
with its wood chassis. The "model Nine G" threw me, though. The guy
explained that the series was marketed only in certain parts of the country... or
maybe in Japan?

Also getting attention at the Just Audio table was this Blue
Hawaii electrostatic headphone amplifier with Mullard tubes and green anodized
faceplate and accents. Very cool.

Jerry Fan of Isonic was busy explaining their record-cleaning machines.

Audio Ultra
Edward DeVito in the white shirt is the founder of Audio Ultra in Sumner, WA.
His company has three facets. First, they design and fine-tune home systems
on-site. Second, they are a retailer of very fine audio components. And third,
what caught my attention here, they offer "proprietary industrial-grade
Performance Series Power Distribution products [to] deliver more electrical
current to components while lowering overall impedance."
In addition to
offering power supply products, they offer consultation and supervision of
installation both locally in Washington state, and remotely, across the country.
These are the guys you want to see before you begin a major high-end dedicated
listening room or home theater project. Having explored his website, I look
forward to exploring the products on display behind him in the photo.
The big S 1000 Stromtank unit below the Stromtank audio grade
distribution bar he is holding, is designed to allow you to listen to music
off-grid. Tom
Lyle reviewed the S 2500 Stromtank for Enjoy the in 2018.
And the round silver pod with two orange lights on top is a whole-house surge
protector that sells for about $1000 if you happen to live on Thunder Road. And
the guy in the Hawaiian shirt? Don't you recognize an audiophile when you see
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